
Introduction to Database Visual Support

A Data Source


To make database development user friendly and graphically-driven, Microsoft Visual Studio provides its own set of tools. Some of these tools are available from the Toolbox. Some other tools are provided as classes you can use. As an example, we defined a data set as a system of values. The values are kept in one or more lists. We also saw that, to support this system, the .NET Framework provides a class named DataSet. This class is represented in the Data section of the Toolbox of Microsoft Visual Studio by the object of the same name.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Visual Database Support

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. To create a new application, on the main menu, click FILE -> New -> Project...
  3. Make sure Windows Forms Application. Set the Name to AltairRealtors2 and click OK
  4. To create a new database, in the Server Explorer, right-click Data Connections and click Create New SQL Server Database...
  5. In the Server Name combo box, select your server or type (local)
  6. Set the database name as AltairRealtors2 and click OK
  7. In the Server Explorer, right-click the AltairRealtors2 connection and click New Query
  8. Open the AltairRealtors2 file and select everything in the document
  9. Copy and paste it in the Query window
  10. Right-click inside the document and click Execute
  11. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.cs and click Rename
  12. Type AltairRealtors.cs and press Enter twice

Adding a Data Source

Instead of using the DataSet object from the Toolbox, Microsoft Visual Studio provides a technique that allows you to automatically get a data set object by creating a connection to a database. The data set would be filled with the tables from the database. To use it, you can first display the Data Source window. To display the Data Source, on the main menu, click Data -> Show Data Sources.

To create a data source:

In the first page of the Data Source Configuration Wizard, you must specify the type of data source you want to create:

Data Source Configuration Wizard

If you click Database and click Next, the second page of the wizard allows you to create a data set:

Data Source Configuration Wizard

The third page of the wizard allows you to select an existing connection or create a new one. To select an existing connection, you can click the arrow of the combo box and select from the list. If you click the New Connection button, the Add Connection dialog box would come up. If you have many server or you have Microsoft SQL Server installed on many computers, click the arrow of the Server Name combo box and select the name of the server:

Add Connection

If you are going to use a database on the same computer where you are creating the application, type (local). Next, in the Connect to a Database section, to select a database, click the arrow of the Select or Enter a Database Name combo box to display the list of available databases from the selected server. After making the selections, you can click Test Connection to make sure the connection is alright. Once everything is alright, click OK.

After making the selection, click Next. In the third page of the wizard, you would specify a name for the connection string, and click Next. In the fourth page of the wizard, you have the option of selecting one or more tables (and other types of objects) to include in your data set. To do this, you can click the check boxes in the list. If you do not specify the tables, you can click Finish and, later on, you can reconfigure the data source and select the tables (and/or other types of objects). After making your selection, you can click Finish.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Adding a Data Source

  1. On the main menu, click PROJECT -> Add New Data Source...
  2. On the first page of the wizard, make sure Database is selected and click Next
  3. On the second page of the wizard, make sure Dataset is selected and click Next
  4. In the third page of the wizard, click New Connection...
    If the Choose Data Source dialog box comes up, click Microsoft SQL Server and click Continue
  5. In the Server Name combo box, select the server or type (local)
  6. In the Select or Enter a Database Name combo box, select AltairRealtors2
  7. Click Test Connection
  8. Click OK twice
  9. On the Data Source Configuration Wizard, make sure the new connection is selected
    Click the + button of Connection String
  10. Click Next
  11. Change the connection string to csAltairRealtors and click Next
  12. Click the check box of Tables
  13. Change the name of the data set to dsAltairRealtors
    Data Source Configuration Wizard
  14. Click Finish

The Characteristics of a Data Set

When you click the Finish button of the Data Source Configuration Wizard, Microsoft Visual Studio generates many classes (XML Schemas) and creates a data set object specially made and configured for your database. Practically, the studio creates a class named after the name you gave to the data set and this class would be derived from the DataSet class. To examine this created class, from the Solution Explorer, you can open the file that holds the name of the data set followed by .Designer.cs.

Among the objects created in the data set class is a class that represents the table (or each table) you selected in the last page of the Data Source Configuration Wizard. This class for the table is derived from the DataTable class and implements the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface. In order to use this new table in your code, you must declare a variable for it. Once you have done that, you can access the characteristics (properties and methods) of the table or its parent.

Although the data set created from the Toolbox and the one generated from creating a data source have many differences, they still share the common definition of being data sets. As mentioned earlier, a data set created from adding a data source contains the table(s) (including its (their) column(s) and record(s), if any) you would have selected.  This allows you to access any of the characteristics of a data set.

The Binding Source



Microsoft SQL Server does not provide user-friendly objects that a user can use to perform the necessary operations of a regular application. That is why you use Microsoft Visual Studio to create an application made of good looking Windows controls. The controls of a Windows application are meant to serve all types of applications, not just databases. If you want a Windows control of your application to use the values of your database, you must create a type of link between the control and the column of a table. This process is referred to as binding. The object that serves this connection is referred to as a binding source.

Creating a Binding Source

To support binding sources, the .NET Framework provides the BindingSource class from the System.Windows.Forms namespace. To visually create a binding source, from the Data section of the Toolbox, click BindingSource Binding Source and click the form or container of your application. Because it is a non-visual object, its label would be positioned under the form. You can then specify its characteristics in the Properties window.

To programmatically create a binding source, declare a variable of type BindingSource. The class is equipped with three constructors. The default constructor allows you to simply declare the variable. Here is an example:

private void btnBindingSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    BindingSource bsNames = new BindingSource();

The Data Source of a Binding Source

If you create a binding source, obviously you must give it a name. If you create it from the Toolbox, you can accept or change its name in the Properties window. Besides its name, the second most important detail of a binding source is the list that holds its values. This list is referred to as the data source. To make the binding source as flexible as possible, the data source can be almost any type of list, including an array. In reality, any class that implements the IList interface is a candidate to be a data source.

To support data sources, the BindingSource class is equipped with a property named DataSource, which is of type object. The idea of using the vague object type indicates that many types, but not all types, of objects or lists can be used as data sources.

To programmatically specify the data source of a binding source, first create your list, then assign it to the DataSource property of your BindingSource object. Here is an example:

private void btnBindingSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    BindingSource bsNames = new BindingSource();
    List<string> strNames = new List<string>();

    strNames.Add("Vicky Bisso");
    strNames.Add("Amy Warren");
    strNames.Add("Chrissie Childs");
    strNames.Add("Martial Otto");

    bsNames.DataSource = strNames;

To visually specify the data source of a binding source, access the Properties window of your BindingSource object. In the Properties window, click DataSource and click the arrow of its combo box:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Binding Source

  1. If necessary, display the form.
    In the Toolbox, click Data and click BindingSource
  2. Click the form
  3. In the Properties window, change its (Name) to bsProperties
  4. Click DataSource and click the arrow of its combo box
  5. Click the + button of the Other Data Sources node to expand it
  6. Click the + button of the Project Data Sources node
  7. Click dsAltairRealtors

The Table Adapter


After creating a data set and a data source, the next step is to indicate to each control where its data would come from. To assist you with this task, Microsoft Visual Studio includes a tool that allows you to create an object that can retrieve the values (data) from a table and make them available to the Windows controls. This object is called a table adapter.

Creating a Table Adapter

There are various ways you can create a table adapter:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Table Adapter

  1. While the binding source is still selected under the form, in the Properties window, click DataMember and click the arrow of its combo box to select Properties
  2. Under the form, click propertiesTableAdapter
  3. In the Properties window, click (Name) and type taProperties

The Binding Navigator



If you drag a table from the Data Source window and drop it on a form, Microsoft Visual Studio adds the necessary Windows controls to the form and binds them to the columns of the table. To move from one record to another, you would need a way to navigate among the records. You can manually take care of this if you want. Alternatively, the .NET Framework provides a class named BindingNavigator that contains all the necessary functionality for this task.

Creating a Binding Navigator

There are various ways you can create a binding navigator:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Binding Navigator

  1. In the Data section of the Toolbox, click BindingNavigator
  2. Click the form
  3. In the Properties window, change its Name to bnProperties
  4. Still in the Properties window, click BindingSource and select bsProperties
  5. In the Data section of the Toolbox, click DataGridView and click the form
  6. In the Properties window, click DataSource and select bsProperties
  7. Still in the Properties window, click Columns and click its ellipsis button
  8. Configure the columns as follows:
    Column HeaderText Width
    PropertyID Prop ID 50
    PropertyNumber Property # 65
    PropertyType Type 90
    Address   130
    City   90
    State   40
    ZIPCode ZIP Code 60
    Bedrooms Beds 40
    Bathrooms Baths 50
    Stories   60
    FinishedBasement Finished Basement? 110
    IndoorGarage Indoor Garage? 90
    YearBuilt Year 40
    Condition   70
    MarketValue Value 70
    SaleStatus Status 60
    Edit Columns
  9. Click OK
  10. In the Properties window, change the following characteristics:
    (Name): dgvProperties
    Anchor: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
    ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode: EnableResizing
    Altair Realtors
  11. Execute the application
    Altair Realtors
  12. Close the form and return to your programming environment

Automatically Generating the Visual Objects

Instead of manually adding the visual objects as we have done so far, you can ask Microsoft Visual Studion to generate those objects for you and make them part of your database. When you add a data source to your project, Microsoft Visual creates a button for each of the database objects (tables, views, stored procedures) you will have selected for your data set in the wizard. All you have to do is to add each of those buttons to the appropriate form.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Generating Visual Objects

  1. Open the LambdaSquareApartments1 file and select everything in it the document
  2. Copy to the clipboard
  3. Display the Query window (if it not available, right-click any connection in the Server Explorer and click New Query)
  4. To create a new database, paste in the Query window
  5. Right-click inside the Query window and click Execute
  6. To create a new application, on the main menu, click FILE -> New -> Project...
  7. Make sure Windows Forms Application. Set the Name to LambdaSquareApartments1
  8. Click OK.
    If you are asked whether you want to save SQLQuery1.sql, click No
  9. On the main menu, click PROJECT -> Add New Data Source...
  10. On the first page of the wizard, make sure Database is selected and click Next
  11. On the second page of the wizard, make sure Dataset is selected and click Next
  12. In the third page of the wizard, click New Connection...
    If the Choose Data Source dialog box comes up, click Microsoft SQL Server and click Continue
  13. In the Server Name combo box, select the server or type (local)
  14. In the Select or Enter a Database Name combo box, select LambdaSquareApartments1
  15. Click OK
  16. On the Data Source Configuration Wizard, make sure the new connection is selected
    Click the + button of Connection String
  17. Click Next
  18. Change the connection string to csLambdaSquareApartments and click Next
  19. Click the check boxes of Tables and Stored Procedures
  20. Change the name of the data set to dsLambdaSquareApartments
  21. Click Finish
  22. To create a new form, on the main menu, click PROJECT -> Add Windows Form...
  23. Set the Name to Apartments and click Add
  24. From the Data Source, drag Apartments and drop it on the new form
  25. Design the form as follows:
    Lambda Square Apartments - Listing
  26. To create a new form, on the main menu, click PROJECT -> Add Windows Form...
  27. Set the Name to Employees and click Add
  28. From the Data Source, drag Employees and drop it on the new form
  29. Design the form as follows:
    Lambda Square Apartments - Employees
  30. To create a new form, on the main menu, click PROJECT -> Add Windows Form...
  31. Set the Name to Registrations and click Add
  32. From the Data Source, drag Registrations and drop it on the new form
  33. Design the form as follows:
    Lambda Square Apartments - Registrations
  34. To create a new form, on the main menu, click PROJECT -> Add Windows Form...
  35. Set the Name to Payments and click Add
  36. From the DataSource, drag Payments and drop it on the form
  37. Design the form as follows:
    Lambda Square Apartments - Payments
  38. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.cs and click Rename
  39. Type LambdaSquareApartments.cs and press Enter twice
  40. Design the form as follows:
    Lambda Square Apartments
    Control (Name) Name
    Button Button btnRegistrations Tenants Registrations...
    Button Button btnRentPayments Rent Payments...
    Button Button btnApartments Apartments...
    Button Button btnEmployees Employees...
    Button Button Close btnClose
  41. Double-click the Tenants Registrations button
  42. Return to the form and double-click the Rent Payments button
  43. Return to the form and double-click the Apartments button
  44. Return to the form and double-click the Employees button
  45. Return to the form and double-click the Close button
  46. Implement the events as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace LambdaSquareApartments1
        public partial class LambdaSquareApartments : Form
            public LambdaSquareApartments()
            private void btnRegistrations_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Registrations regs = new Registrations();
            private void btnRentPayments_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Payments pmts = new Payments();
            private void btnApartments_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Apartments aparts = new Apartments();
            private void btnEmployees_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Employees empls = new Employees();
            private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1. Execute the application
  2. Click the Employees button, click the Add New button, add the values, and click the Save button. The records to create are:
    Employee # First Name Last Name Title
    40685 Justine Sandt Rent Manager
    73048 Raymond Wilkinson  
    60949 Mark Reason Maintenance Technician
    38408 Marc Knights Rent Associate
    93947 Leonard Goulet Owner - General Manager
    20448 Nancy Longhorn Rent Associate
  3. Click the Tenants Registrations button, click the Add New button, add the values, and click the Save button. The records to create are:
    Regist Date Employeee # Tenant Code First Name Last Name Marital Status Tenancy Children Phone # Email Address Unit Start Date
    2014-06-12 38408   29-485-05 Ann Sanders Married Active 1 (240) 524 -2831 annsanders@emailcity.com 139749 2014-07-01
    2014-06-15 20448   83-400-85 Mahty Shaoul Married Active 2 202-729-1574 mshaoulman@gmail.com 928364 2014-09-01
    2014-06-22 40685   48-602-73 Frank Ulm Single Active 0 (301) 882-0704 fulm112244@yaho.com 729397 2014-07-01
    2014-06-22 93947   24-385-30 Elizabeth Provoski Separated Active 1 (443) 974-9631 eprevalence@yahoo.com 844850 2014-08-01
    2014-07-23 93947   92-048-11 Grace Curryan Married Active 1 (240) 927-0993 gcarrier@gmail.com 297297 2014-09-01
    2014-07-25 38408   51-304-58 Tracy Warrens Divorced Active 2 202-793-6924 twarrior12@hotmail.coom 492739 2014-08-01
    2014-08-01 38408   72-384-04 Paul Yamo Married Active 3 (410-792-7045 pyamo@hr.umd.edu 384068 2014-10-01
    2014-08-10 40685   62-405-29 Nancy Shermann Single Active 1 (703) 338-2973 nsherre@emailcity.com 829475 2014-09-01
    2014-09-12 20448   72-484-04 Michael Tiernan Single Active 0 301-274-9285 resdev.globelan.net 829479 2014-11-01
    2014-10-05 38408   60-285-83 Phillippe Anderson Single Active 0 202-729-1574 philanders@gmail.com 496055 2014-11-01
  4. Click the Rent Payments button, click the Add New button, add the values, and click the Save button. The records to create are:
    Pmt Date Employee # Regist Date Amt Paid Notes
    2014-06-12 38408   1001 650.0000 This is the payment for the security deposit.
    2014-06-20 40685   1003 500.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-07-27 38408   1003 925.0000  
    2014-07-28 38408   1001 1150.0000  
    2014-08-01 40685   1006 850.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-08-08 40685   1007 850.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-08-08 40685   1008 500.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-08-13 40685   1004 600.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-08-14 20448   1002 850.0000 Payment for security deposit
    2014-08-25 38408   1001 1150.0000  
    2014-08-25 38408   1002 1350.0000  
    2014-08-26 20448   1003 925.0000  
    2014-08-27 40685   1004 1100.0000  
    2014-08-30 38408   1006 1350.0000  
    2014-09-17 40685   1009 650.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-09-18 20448   1005 550.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-09-25 20448   1004 1100.0000  
    2014-09-25 20448   1006 1350.0000  
    2014-09-25 20448   1008 885.0000  
    2014-09-28 20448   1001 1150.0000  
    2014-09-28 40685   1002 1350.0000  
    2014-09-28 40685   1005 1150.0000  
    2014-10-05 38408   1003 925.0000  
    2014-10-08 40685   1010 500.0000 Security Deposit
    2014-10-24 38408   1004 1100.0000  
    2014-10-24 38408   1005 1150.0000  
    2014-10-25 40685   1006 1350.0000  
    2014-10-25 40685   1007 1250.0000  
    2014-10-27 93947   1001 1150.0000  
    2014-10-29 93947   1008 885.0000  
    2014-10-30 38408   1002 1350.0000  
    2014-10-31 40685   1003 925.0000  
    2014-11-26 38408   1002 1350.0000  
    2014-11-26 38408   1008 885.0000  
    2014-11-27 38408   1006 1350.0000  
    2014-11-28 20448   1004 1100.0000  
    2014-11-28 38408   1005 1150.0000  
    2014-11-28 38408   1007 1250.0000  
    2014-11-29 93947   1001 1150.0000  
    2014-11-30 38408   1003 925.0000  
    2014-11-30 20448   1009 1150.0000  
    2014-11-30 20448   1010 895.0000  
    2014-12-25 38408   1006 1350.0000  
    2014-12-25 38408   1007 1250.0000  
    2014-12-27 20448   1009 1150.0000  
    2014-12-28 20448   1001 1150.0000  
    2014-12-28 38408   1004 1100.0000  
    2014-12-28 38408   1005 1150.0000  
    2014-12-28 38408   1010 895.0000  
    2014-12-30 20448   1003 925.0000  
    2014-12-31 38408   1002 1350.0000  
    2014-12-31 20448   1008 885.0000  
    2015-01-23 20448   1005 1150.0000  
    2015-01-26 38408   1001 1150.0000  
    2015-01-28 93947   1003 925.0000  
    2015-01-29 93947   1002 1350.0000  
    2015-02-10 20448   1004 100.0000 This is a fee for late payment.
    2015-02-10 20448   1004 1100.0000  
    2015-02-20 20448   1001 1150.0000  
    2015-02-25 20448   1005 1150.0000  
    2015-02-26 38408   1002 1350.0000  
    2015-03-01 38408   1004 1100.0000  
    2015-03-03 40685   1003 925.0000  
  5. Close the forms and return to your programming environment

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