Assistance With Data Entry

A Default Value for a Field

Sometimes, most values of a field are the same. For example, if you create a table for employment applications, most employees would be from the same state and only some records would have a different value for the state. If you have such a field in a table, you can provide a common value for the field. During data entry, the user would change the value only if it is different from the usual. Such a common value is referred to as a default value.

To provide a default value to a field:

The default value should be appropriately typed:

Practical Learning: Setting Default Values

  1. On the Ribbon, click File and click Open
  2. In the list of files, click College Park Auto-Repair1
  3. In the Navigatione Pane, right-click the RepairOrders table and click Design View
  4. In the top section of the window, click State
  5. In the bottom section, click Default Value and type MD
  6. In the top section of the window, click TaxRate
  7. In the bottom section, click Default Value and type 0.0775
  8. In the top section of the window, click DropOffDateTime
  9. In the bottom section, click Default Value and type =Month(Date()) & "/" & Day(Date$()) & "/" & Year(Date$()) & " " & Hour(Time$()) & ":" & Minute(Time$())
  10. Save the table
  11. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the RepairOrders form and click Design View
  12. On the form, click the DropOffDateTime text box and press Delete
  13. In the Tools section of the Ribbon, click Add Existing Fields
  14. From the Field List, drag DropOffDateTime and drop on the form where the previous text box was
  15. Format the label and the text box to appear like the previous text box was:
  16. Save the form and switch it to Form View
  17. Close the form

Validation Rule

A validation rule is a condition that the value entered in a field must meet in order to be valid. To create a validation rule:


In both cases, the action would open the Expression Builder where you can create a rule.

Validation Text

When the condition in the Validation Rule field is not respected, you can display a message box to let the user know. To create the message:

Enter Validation Message

Practical Learning: Introducing Logical Functions

  1. In the Navigation Pane, under Tables, double-click RepairOrders to open it in the Datasheet View
  2. On the table, click the cell under Customer Name
  3. On the Ribbon, click Fields
  4. In the Field Validation section, click Validation and click Record Validation Rule
  5. In the Expression Elements list, make sure RepairOrders is selected.
    In the Expression Categories list, double-click CustomerName
  6. Type IS NOT NULL
    Expression Builder
  7. Click OK
  8. In the Field Validation section, click Validation and click Record Validation Message
  9. Type Make sure you specify the name of the customer
    Enter Validation Message
  10. Click OK
  11. Close the table
  1. In the Navigation Pane, under Forms, right-click RepairOrders and click Design View
  2. Click Jobs Performed
  3. Click the JobPerformed1 text box
  4. In the Property Sheet, click the Event tab
  5. Click On Lost Focus and type
    =IIf([JobPerformed1] Is Null, MsgBox("Specify at least one of the jobs that were performed on the car"),"")
  6. Save the form

Value Required for a Field

If you think that there must be an entry for a particular field for each record, you can require it from the user. When performing data entry, after creating a record, the user cannot move to another record if a value for that field has not been provided. You can specify that the value of a field is required when creating a table, whether you are working in the Datasheet View or the Design View of the table:

Practical Learning: Specifying Required Fields

  1. On the Ribbon, click File and click New
  2. Click Blank Desktop Database and set the file name to Chemistr2
  3. Click Create
  4. On the Ribbon, click File and click Options
  5. On the left side, click Current Database and, on the right side, under Document Window Options, click the Overlapping Windows radio button
  6. Click OK
  7. Read the message box and click OK
  8. Close the default table without saving it
  9. On the Ribbon, click Create and click Table Design
  10. Type AtomicNumber and press Tab
  11. Right-click AtomicNumber and click Primary Key
  12. Set its data type as Number and its caption as Atomic #
  13. In the top part, click the cell below AtomicNumber, type Symbol and press F6
  14. In the bottom part of the window, click Required, then click the arrow of the combo box and select Yes
  15. Set the Field Size to 5
  16. In the top part, click the cell below Symbol, type AtomicWeight, and press Tab
  17. In the bottom part of the window, double-click Required to sets its value to Yes
  18. Set the other properties as follows:
    Data Type: Number
    Field Size: Single
    Caption: Atomic Weight
  19. Right-click the tab of the window and click Datasheet View
  20. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  21. Set the name name to Elements and click OK
  22. On the Ribbon, click Fields
  23. On the table, click a cell below Symbol
  24. In the Add & Delete section of the Ribbon, click Short Text
  25. Type ElementName and press Enter
  26. Click a cell below ElementName
  27. In the Field Validation section of the Ribbon, click the Required check box
  28. In the Properties section of the Ribbon, click the Field Size text box and type 40
  29. Click Name & Caption
  30. Click Caption, type Element Name and click OK
  31. Right-click the tab of the window and click Deesign View
  32. Add the following fields to the table:

    Field Name Field Size
    Color 40
    Phase 32
  33. To save the table, press Ctrl + S

The Nullity of a Field

When creating a table in SQL, to indicate that each record of a field must be specified, after the data type of a field, type NOT NULL. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE Departments
    DepartmentCode char(5) NOT NULL,
    DepartmentName char(50)

To indicate that a field can be left empty, either don't specify its nullity or set its option as NULL.

The Uniqueness of a Record

When data is entered in fields, it is possible to have the same value for a field in different records, such as two people who live in the same state. This is considered as a duplicate value. In some other cases, this may not be acceptable. For example, you may not want two employees to have the same employee number. In this case, you must make sure the records are unique.

If a table is displaying in the Datasheet View, to indicate that each record of a field must be unique, click any cell of that column. Then, on the Ribbon, click Fields. In the Field Validation section, click the check box of the Unique option.

When creating a table in SQL, to indicate that each record of a field must be unique, after the data type of a field, type UNIQUE. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE Departments
    DepartmentCode char(5) unique,
    DepartmentName char(50)

Indexed Fields

Indexation is the ability to keep track of the records of a field such as checking when they are unique or duplicate. This characteristic can be set when creating or configuring a table in either the Datasheet View or the Design View. In the Datasheet View, to specify the indexation of a field, click any cell of the column. Then, on the Ribbon, click Fields. In the Field Validation section, click the check box of the Unique option.

In the Design View, in the top section, click the field. In the bottom section, click the arrow of the Indexed property. This characteristic can be set using one of 3 values:

Practical Learning: Controlling Indexed Fields

  1. In the upper section, click Symbol
  2. In the lower section, click Indexed to display its combo box. Click the arrow of the Indexed combo box and select Yes (No Duplicates)
  3. In the upper section, click ElementName
  4. In the lower section, double-click Indexed then double-click it again to set its value to Yes (No Duplicates)
  5. Close the table
  6. When asked whether you want to save the table, click Yes

Selecting, Copying and Pasting Records


Record maintenance consists of selecting, copying, pasting, updating, and/or deleting records, etc. To assist you with some of these operations on a table or a form, the Home tab of the Ribbon is equipped with a section named Find:


Finding Data

Field Selection

You can select all of the values of one or a group of columns, To select all values of a column, click the column header. To select columns in a range, use the Shift key while selecting the columns on each range.

Some of the operations you will perform on one or more records on a table require that the record(s) be selected first:


To select all records of a table:


This would produce:

Record Selection


Copying and Pasting Records

To copy the values of a column, position the mouse on the column header, right-click, and click Copy:

Selecting and Copying the Values of a Column

 To copy records from many columns, first select the columns. Then right-click one of the selected column headers and click Copy

Selecting and Copying a Record

After selecting (a) records, you can copy it/them and paste them somewhere. For example, you can paste the records in any application that accepts text.

Practical Learning: Copying and Pasting Records

  1. Open the FunDS2 database
  2. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the StoreItems table
  3. Position the mouse cursor on the box left to 112055 and right-click:

    Selecting and Copying a Record

  4. In the menu that appears, click Copy
  5. Start Notepad
  6. Click Inside Notepad and click Paste
  7. Right-click the button at the intersection of the column headers and row headers and click Copy

    Selecting and Copying a Record

  8. Start Microsoft Excel
  9. In Sheet1, right-click Cell B4 and click Paste
  10. Close Microsoft Excel
  11. When asked whether you want to save, click No

Record Selection on a Form

Record selection on a form depends on the type of form.

To select a record in a Form View, click the bar on the left side, which is called the record selector:


To select a record in a tabular form, click its row header.

To copy a record, right-click the record selector and click Copy:

Copying Records

Finding and Replacing Data

Editing Data

To edit a record, first locate the intended records, then locate the field that contains the value. Use your knowledge of text processing to edit the value.

Practical Learning: Editing Data

  1. On the Ribbon, click File and click Open
  2. In the list of files, click Cruise1 (or open it from the files that accompany these lessons)
  3. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Customers table
  4. Click the empty box under Last Name for Account # 415-939-497
  5. Type Harrison and press Enter
  6. Close the table
  7. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Customers form
  8. Click the First Name text box
  9. Type Kelly
  10. Click the Next Record button to get to the next record
  11. Keep pressing Tab until you reach the empty Emergency Name text box
  12. Type Mariella Shuster
  13. Close the form

Finding the Data

To start looking for a value, click the Find button Find or press Ctrl + F. This would open the Find and Replace dialog box with the Find tab selected:

The Find and Replace dialog box is modeless, meaning you can access the table or form in the background while the dialog box is present.

Practical Learning: Editing Data

  1. The Cruise1 database should still be opened.
    In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Customers table
  2. In the Find section of the Ribbon, click the Find button Find
  3. In the Find What combo box, type gra
  4. In the Look In combo box, select Current Document
  5. In the Match combo box, select Any Part of Field

  6. Click Find Next.
    Notice that a second result is found
  7. Click Find Next again and notice the name Gradner
  8. Click Next again to see another result
  9. When the message box displays, read it and click OK
  10. Close the Find and Replace dialog box
  11. Close the Customers table

Replacing Data

To assist you in replacing data, the Find and Replace dialog box has a Replace section. To get it, in the Find section of the Ribbon, click the Replace button Replace or press Ctrl + H. This would open the Find and Replace dialog box with the Replace tab selected:


Practical Learning: Editing Data

  1. The Cruise1 database should still be opened.
    In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Customers form
  2. Press Ctrl + H (or, in the Find section of the Ribbon, click the Replace button Replace)
  3. In the Find What combo box, type gradner
  4. In the Replace With combo box, type Gardner
  5. In the Look In combo box, select Current Document
  6. In the Match combo box, select Any Part of Field


  7. Click Find Next
  8. Once the value is found, click Replace
  9. Close the Find and Replace dialog box
  10. Close the form
  11. On the Ribbon, click File and click Openn
  12. In the list of files, click FunDS2

Updating and Deleting Records


If you had not formally established a relattionship between two tables but had indicated that the records from one table are fed to another table, if you change the value of the (primary or foreign) key in one of the tables, the other table may not receive the update. This is why a formal and well-managed relationship is important.

When a record is changed in the primary key of a parent table, it is a good idea for any record of the foreign key, in the child table, to receive the same update. When a record of the primary key is deleted, the child table should be notified. These are referred to as enforcing referential integrity.

To enforce integrity when creating a relationship in the Edit Relationship dialog box, click the the Enforce Referential Integrity check box.

Practical Learning: Introducing Relationship Updates

  1. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the ShoppingSessions table
  2. Notice that the Employee # of the second record is 275594
  3. Close the ShoppingSessions table
  4. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Employees table
  5. Change the 275594 Employee # to 200000
  6. Close the Employees table
  7. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the ShoppingSessions table
  8. Notice that the Employee # of the second record is still 275594
  9. Close the ShoppingSessions table
  10. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Employees table
  11. Change the 20000 Employee # back to 275594
  12. Close the Employees table
  13. On the Ribbon, click Database Tools
  14. In the Relationships section, click the Relationships button Relationships
  15. In the Show Table dialog box, double-click Employees
  16. Double-click ShoppingSessions
  17. Click Close
  18. Drag EmployeeNumber from Employees and drop it on EmployeeNumber in ShoppingSessions


Enforcing Record Updates on a Child Table

To make sure that a record in a foreign keyis is updated when the same value in the primary key of a parent table is changed, in the Edit Relationships dialog box, click the Cascade Update Related Fields.

Practical Learning: Enforcing Record Updates on a Child Table


Enforcing Record Deletion on a Child Table

When a record is deleted in the parent table, you should make sure the records from the child table are notified. To make this possible, in the Edit Relationships table, click the Cascade Delete Related Records.

Practical Learning: Enforcing Record Updates on a Child Table

  1. In the Edit Relationships dialog box, click the Cascade Delete Related Records check box


  2. Click Create


  3. In the Relationships section of the Ribbon, click the Show Table button Show Table
  4. Double-click SoldItems and StoreItems
  5. Click Close
  6. Create the relationships based on primary keys and foreign keys


  7. Close the Relationships window
  8. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  9. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the ShoppingSessions table
  10. Notice that the Employee # of the second record is 275594
  11. Close the ShoppingSessions table
  12. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Employees table
  13. Change the 275594 Employee # to 200000
  14. Close the Employees table
  15. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the ShoppingSessions table
  16. Notice that all the Employee #s that were 275594 have been changed to 20000
  17. Close the ShoppingSessions table
  18. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the Employees table
  19. Change the 20000 Employee # back to 275594
  20. Close the Employees table

Introduction to Record Printing

Table Printing

You can print data of a table, whether the table is opened or not. To print a closed table, click it in the Navigation Pane. Then click File. Click Print and click one of the three options:


In the same way, if the table is opened in Datasheet View, click its tab to give it focus, then click File -> Print and select to print or to preview.

Practical Learning: Printing Tables

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click Customers: Table to select the table
  2. To print data from the table, click File, click Print
  3. Click Quick Print
  4. From the Navigation Pane, double-click the Cabins: Table to open it
  5. Click File
  6. Click Print
  7. Click Print
  8. On the Print dialog box, click OK
  9. Close the table

Form Printing

You can print a form without opening it. Locate its name in the Navigation Pane and use the same steps reviewed for a table.

When a form is opened, you have the option of printing all of its records or the selected one. In the Form View, to print just one record, navigate to the record you would like to print, click the Form Selection bar to select the record and proceed to print.

Practical Learning: Printing Forms

  1. From the Navigation Pane, double-click the Customers form to open it
  2. To navigate to the 3rd customer, click the Next Record button twice
  3. Click File
  4. Click Print
  5. Click Print
  6. On the Print dialog box, click the Selected Record(s) radio button
  7. Click OK
  8. Verify that only the displaying customer's record was printed
  9. We will print records from 3 to 7.
    Click the Next Record button Next Record twice navigate to record number 3
  10. Click the Record Selector bar

    Cruise - Customers

  11. Press and hold Shift. Click the Next Record button Next Record four times to display the seventh record (even though the record # still displays 3)
  12. Release Shift
  13. On the Ribbon, click File
  14. Click Print
  15. Click Print
  16. On the Print dialog box, click the Selected Record(s) radio button and click OK
  17. Verify that records from 3 to 7 have been printed
  18. Close the Cabins form

Reports Fundamentals

The Report Wizard

A report provides an object used to print the records of a database. Microsoft Access provides wizards to quickly create reports.

Microsoft Access can help you quickly create a report using one of the pre-designed layouts. This is done using the Report Wizard. The Report Wizard is available from the Reports section of the Create category of the Ribbon.

Practical Learning: Using the Report Wizard

  1. On the Ribbon, click Create
  2. In the Reports section, click Report Wizard
  3. On the first page of the wizard, click the arrow of the Tables/Queries combo box and select Table: Cabins
  4. Click the Select All Fields button 
  5. Click Next
  6. Accept the suggested Title of the report as Cabins and press Enter


Report Printing

The report is the favorite object used to print data. As done with the other objects, you can print a report whether it is opened or not. If you want to print a report without opening it, in the Navigation Pane, locate the desired report and click it to select it. Then, proceed from the File tab on the Ribbon as we reviewed for the tables and the forms. In the same way, you can first open the report from the Navigation Pane and use the Print menu from the Office Button the same way we described for the other objects.

Practical Learning: Printing a Report

  1. The Cabins report should still be opened.
    click File
  2. Click Print
  3. Click Print Preview
  4. To start the printing process, in the Print section of the Print Preview, click Print
  5. On the Print dialog box, select the printer and make sure the All radio button is selected
  6. Click Properties, click the Portrait radio button (in the Orientation section) and click OK
  7. To send the print job to the printer, on the Print dialog box, click OK
  8. Close the Cabins report
  9. Close Microsoft Access

Record Management in a Table

Enforcing Record Updates on a Child Table

In the table that has a primary key, which is the parent table, when a record is changed, it is a good idea for any record of the foreign key, in the child table, to receive the same update. To make this happen, in the Edit Relationships table, click the Cascade Update Related Fields.

Enforcing Record Deletion on a Child Table

When a record is deleted in the parent table, you should make sure the records from the child table are notified. To make this possible, in the Edit Relationships table, click the Cascade Delete Related Records.

Record Management on a Form

Record Selection

To select a record, click the bar on the left side, which is called the record selector:


Copying/Pasting Records

To copy a record, right-click the record selector and click Copy:

Copying Records

Right-click the record selector of an empty record and click Paste.

Finding and Replacing Data

Editing Data

To edit a record, first locate the value in the field.

Practical Learning: Editing Data

  1. Click File and click Open
  2. In the list of recent files, click Cruise2
  3. In the Navigation Pane, double-click Customers: Table to open it
  4. In record number 2, click the empty box under Last Name
  5. Type Harrison and press Enter
  6. Close the table
  7. In the Navigation Pane, double-click Customers : Form to open the form
  8. Click the First Name text box
  9. Type Kelly
  10. Click the Next Record button to get to the next record
  11. Keep pressing Tab until you reach the empty Emergency Name text box
  12. Type Mariella Shuster
  13. Close the form

Finding Data

To assist you with finding a value in a table or a form, the Home tab of the Ribbon is equipped with a section named Find:


Finding Data

To start looking for a value, you can click the Find button Find or you can press Ctrl + F. This would open the Find and Replace dialog box with the Find tab selected:

The Find and Replace dialog box is modeless, meaning you can access the table or form in the background while the dialog box is present.

Practical Learning: Editing Data

  1. The Cruise2 database should still be opened.
    In the Navigation Pane, double-click Customers: Table to open it
  2. In the Find section of the Ribbon, click the Find button Find
  3. In the Find What combo box, type gra
  4. In the Look In combo box, select Current Document
  5. In the Match combo box, select Any Part of Field

  6. Click Find Next.
    Notice that a second result is found
  7. Click Find Next again and notice the name Gradner
  8. Click Next again to see another result
  9. When the message box displays, read it and click OK
  10. Close the Find and Replace dialog box
  11. Close the Customers table

Replacing Data

To assist you in replacing data, the Find and Replace dialog box has a Replace section. To get it, in the Find section of the Ribbon, click the Replace button Replace or press Ctrl + H. This would open the Find and Replace dialog box with the Replace tab selected:


Practical Learning: Editing Data

  1. The Cruise2 database should still be opened.
    In the Navigation Pane, double-click Customers: form to open it
  2. Press Ctrl + H (or, in the Find section of the Ribbon, click the Replace button Replace)
  3. In the Find What combo box, type gradner
  4. In the Replace With combo box, type Gardner
  5. In the Look In combo box, select Current Document
  6. In the Match combo box, select Any Part of Field


  7. Click Find Next
  8. Once the value is found, click Replace
  9. Close the Find and Replace dialog box
  10. Close Microsoft Access

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