The Microsoft Office Access 2007 Desktop Databases is
an electronic book (ebook) that teaches the techniques of creating
and managing databases using Microsoft Office Access 2007. |
This ebook teaches the C# 3.0 computer language
(not the graphical Windows
applications). It uses our proven approach to practical learning
with step-by-step instructions, detail-oriented programming,
and useful examples in every lesson. |
This ebook teaches the C++ language using the latest C++ Standard. It
targets the beginning programmer with no prior knowledge of computer
programming. It uses a unique step-by-step approach uncommon to
most, if any, computer language books, guiding the user to a
detailed explanation of the issue featured in the language. |
This electronic book (ebook) teaches how to create database applications using the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) language as it is implemented in Microsoft Access. |
This electronic book studies the Windows controls of
the .NET Framework as they are implemented in Microsoft Visual C#
programming environment. It uses a large set of practical learning
exercises with step-by-step instructions. Each visual control is reviewed with an
application that illustrates its usefulness. |
This electronic book shows how to design and
create various types of databases using the .NET Framework.
The applications include file-based, XML, and ADO.NET. The
ebook contains many examples of programs taught in
step-by-step instructions. |
This series of lessons teaches the Visual Basic
language, not the Microsoft Visual Basic programming
environment. The lessons teach only the language, using console
applications. The lessons include variables, classes,
inheritance, errors, exception handling, and collections, etc. |
This is a series of lessons that describe
database development using Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The
lessons include databases, tables, records, views, stored procedures,
transactions, and triggers. |
C++/CLI is a computer language based on C++ with
support for the .NET Framework. C++/CLI, developed by Microsoft and
submitted to international standardization, is primarily a
computer language, not a programming environment. This ebook features lessons on
C++/CLI without assuming any prior knowledge
of programming.
the ebook

2nd Edition |
This ebook is a valuable introduction to the Visual Component
Library (VCL). Its goal is to teach C++ as the language is
implemented in the Borland C++ Builder programming environment. |
This ebook teaches the fundamentals of using the
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 programming environment to create
Windows applications. It includes the Windows controls of the .NET Framework, Windows
Forms, and file processing. |
This ebook teaches the fundamental techniques of designing and developing
databases using the Microsoft Visual Basic programming
environment. The lessons include file-based databases through
processing and serialization, XML, and ADO.NET using Microsoft
SQL Server. |
This ebook teaches application programming using Borland C++
Builder 6 on the Microsoft Windows operating systems. |