The Nullity of a Field


During data entry, users of your database will face fields that expect data. Sometimes, for one reason or another, data will not be available for a particular field. An example would be an MI (middle initial) field: some people have a middle initial, some others either don't have it or would not (or cannot) provide it. This aspect can occur for any field of your table. Therefore, you should think of a way to deal with it.

A field is referred to as null when no data entry has been made to it:

A field is referred to as null if there is no way of determining the value of its content (in reality, the computer, that is, the operating system, has its own internal mechanism of verifying the value of a field) or its value is simply unknown. As you can imagine, it is not a good idea to have a null field in your table. As a database developer, it is your responsibility to always know with certainty the value held by each field of your table.

A field is referred to as required if the user must provide a value for it before moving to another record. In other words, the field cannot be left empty during data entry.

The Nullity of a Field

We continue with our university database. To run its many services, the school has a managing team that consists of a president, deans, and other employees.

In this new version of the database, University3, we will create a table for employees. The table will be stored in the Academics schema.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Nullity

  1. Start the computer and log in
  2. Launch Microsoft SQL Server and click Connect
  3. In the Object Explorer, right-click the Database node and click New Database...
  4. Set the Database Name to University3
  5. Click OK
  6. In the Object Explorer, expand the University3 node and expand its Security node
  7. Right-click Schemas and click New Schema...
  8. Set the name to Academics
  9. Click OK
  10. Under University3, right-click Tables and click New Table...
  11. While the table is displaying, in the Properties window, click Schema, then click the arrow of its combo box and select Academics
  12. Create the following columns for the table:
    Column Name Data Type
    EmployeeNumber nvarchar(20)
    FirstName nvarchar(25)
    MiddleName nvarchar(25)
    LastName nvarchar(25)
    EmailAddress nvarchar(50)
    Username nvarchar(30)
    Password nvarchar(24)
  13. To save the table, on the Standard toolbar, click the Save button The Save button
  14. Set the name to Employees
  15. Click OK

Visually Creating a NULL or NOT NULL Column

To solve the problem of null and required fields, the SQL proposes two options: allow or not allow null values on a field. To make sure the user always fills out a certain field before moving to the next field, that is, to require the value, if you are visually creating the table:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Setting the Nullity of a Column

  1. In the top section, click EmployeeNumber and click its corresponding Allow Nulls check box to clear it
  2. Complete the table as follows:
    Column Name Allow Nulls
    EmployeeNumber Unchecked
    FirstName Checked
    MiddleName Checked
    LastName Unchecked
    EmailAddress Checked
    Username Checked
    Password Checked
  3. Save the table

Programmatically Creating a NULL or NOT NULL Column

If creating a table using SQL, to specify that it can allow null values, type NULL (remember that the SQL is not case-sensitive) on the right side of the column definition. To specify that the values of the column are required, on the right side, type NOT NULL. If you don't specify NULL or NOT NULL, the column will be created as NULL by default. Here are examples:

    FirstName nvarchar(20) NULL,
    LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
    Gender smallint

If the table was already created and it holds some values (already), you cannot set the Allow Nulls option on columns that don't have values.

After specifying that a column would NOT allow NULL, if the user tries creating a record but omits to create a value for the column, an error would display. Here is an example:

No row was updated

This error message box indicates that the user attempted to submit null for a column that requires a value. To cancel the action, you can press Esc.

Data Entry With a NULL Column

If you specify that a column will allow null, during data entry, if you don't have a value for that column, you can leave its placeholder empty:

    FirstName nvarchar(20) NULL,
    LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
    Gender smallint

INSERT Persons(FirstName, LastName) -- The Gender is left out
VALUES(N'Martin', N'Binam');
INSERT Persons(LastName, Gender) -- The FirstName is left out
VALUES(N'Howley', 2);
INSERT Persons(LastName) -- The FirstName and the Gender are left out
Assistance With Data Entry

When performing data entry, if the table has columns that allow nulls and whenever you don't have a value for a null column, you should provide a list of the columns as seen in the above examples. For the columns that are not included in the list, the database engine would automatically set their values to NULL. As an alternative, Transact-SQL allows you to keep the list of columns or to use any list of columns, including columns that allow null. Then, in the placeholder of a column, specify its value as NULL. Here are examples:

INSERT Persons -- All columns are used
VALUES(N'Alex', N'Hough', NULL);
INSERT Persons(LastName, Gender, FirstName) -- The Gender will be set to null
VALUES(N'Kousseusseu', NULL, N'Tchipseu');
INSERT Persons -- All columns are used
      (NULL, N'Ohari', 1),
      (N'Jamrah', N'Belhassen', NULL);

The Default Value of a Column



Sometimes most records under a certain column may hold the same value although just a few would be different. For example, if a school is using a database to register its students, all of them are more likely to be from the same state. In such a case, you can assist the user by automatically providing a value for that column. The user would then simply accept the value and change it only in the rare cases where the value happens to be different. To assist the user with this common value, you create what is referred to as a default value.

Visually Creating a Default Value

You can create a default value of a column when creating a table. To specify the default value of a column, in the top section, click the column. In the bottom section, click Default Value or Binding, type the desired value.

When specifying the default value of a column, you must follow rules that depend on the column's data type:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Assigning a Default Value to a Column

  1. In the top section, click Password
  2. In the bottom section, click Default Value or Binding
  3. Type N'Password1'
  4. Save the table

Table Design

Programmatically Creating a Default Value

To specify the default value in a SQL statement, when creating the column, after specifying the other pieces of information of the column, type DEFAULT followed by an empty space and followed by the desired value. Here are examples:

    FullName NVARCHAR(50),
    Address NVARCHAR(80),
    City NVARCHAR(40),
    PostalCode NVARCHAR(4) DEFAULT L'2000',
    Country NVARCHAR(20) DEFAULT L'Australia'

When performing data entry on the table, the user does not have to provide a value for a column that has a default. If the user does not provide the value, the default would be used when the record is saved.

Author Note

If the user provides a value for a column that has a default value and then deletes the value, the default value rule would not apply anymore: The field would simply become empty.


Forcing a Default Value During Data Entry

During programmatic data entry, if you don't list a column that has a default value, its default value would be assigned to the column. On the other hand, if you add such a column in the list of an INSERT statement, you must provide a value or give an empty value. Fortunately, Transact-SQL makes it possible to force the default value for the column. To do this, in the placeholder of the value of the column, use the DEFAULT keyword. Here is an example:

USE Exercise;
    EmployeeNumber int,
    FirstName nvarchar(20),
    LastName nvarchar(20),
    HourlySalary money default 12.50

VALUES(28404, N'Amadou', N'Sulleyman', 18.85),
      (82948, N'Frank', N'Arndt', DEFAULT),
      (27749, N'Marc', N'Engolo', 14.50);

In this example, the second record would receive the default value, which is 12.50. In the same way, you can apply the default keyword for each column whose default value was indicated when the table was created.

The Uniqueness of Records



One of the primary concerns of records is their uniqueness. In a database, you usually want to make sure that each record on a table can be uniquely identified. Microsoft SQL Server provides many means of taking care of this. These include the identity column, the primary key, and the indexes. We will review these issues in later lessons. Still, one way to do this is to apply a uniqueness rule on a column.

Visually Creating a Uniqueness Rule

To visually specify that each value of a column must be unique, in the Table window, right-click the desired column and click Indexes/Keys...

Visually Creating a Uniqueness Rule

In the Indexes/Keys dialog box, click Add. On the right side, set the Is Unique field to Yes:


After doing this, click Close.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Setting the Uniqueness on a Column

  1. In the top section of the table, right-click EmployeeNumber and click Indexes/Keys...
  2. In the Indexes/Keys dialog box, click Add
  3. On the right side, double-click Is Unique to change its value from No to Yes


  4. Click Close
  5. Save the table

Programmatically Creating a Uniqueness Rule

To assist you with creating a columns whose values will be distinguishable, Transact-SQL provides the UNIQUE keyword. To apply it on a column, after the data type, type UNIQUE. Here is an example:

USE Exercise;
    StudentNumber int UNIQUE,
    FirstName nvarchar(50),
    LastName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL

When a column has been marked as unique, during data entry, the user must provide a unique value for each new record created. If an existing value is assigned to the column, this would produce an error:

USE Exercise;
    StudentNumber int UNIQUE,
    FirstName nvarchar(50),
    LastName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL

VALUES(24880, N'John', N'Scheels'),
      (92846, N'Rénée', N'Almonds'),
      (47196, N'Peter', N'Sansen'),
      (92846, N'Daly', N'Camara'),
      (36904, N'Peter', N'Sansen');

By the time the fourth record is entered, since it uses a student number that exists already, the database engine would produce an error:

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 2
Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ__Students__DD81BF6C145C0A3F'. 
Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Students'.
The statement has been terminated.

Computed Columns


There are various ways you can assist the user with data entry. For example, you can create an expression and apply it to a column so that the value of the column would come from other values. Such a column is called a computed column.

You can create the expression of a computed column when creating a table, whether in the Table window or using SQL.

Visually Creating a Computed Column

To visually create an expression when creating a table, in the top section, specify the column's name (only the column name is needed). In the bottom section, expand the Computed Column Specification field and, in its (Formula) field, enter the desired expression. The expression can involve:

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating an Expression on a Column

  1. In the top section of the Table window, right-click EmailAddress and click Insert Column
  2. Type the name as EmployeeName and press Tab (ignore the data type)
  3. In the bottom section, click the + button of Computed Column Specification
  4. Click (Formula) and type LastName + N', ' + FirstName

    Visually Creating a Computed Column

  5. Close the table
  6. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  7. In the Object Explorer, under University3, right-click Tables and click Refresh.
    Right-click Academics.Employees and click Edit Top 200 rows
  8. Create the records as follows:
    EmployeeNumber FirstName MiddleName LastName
    279227 Donald Henry Leighton
    582007 Alexander   Nolan
    502494 Anthony Robert Parrish
    702048 Laurentine Felicité Avrilien
    927486 Robert John Preston
    204850 Simon   Lew
    930248 Jeannette Veronica Holms
  9. Close the table
  10. In the Object Explorer, right-click Academics.Employees and click Edit Top 200 rows to view the records
  11. Close the table

Creating an Expression Using SQL

You can also create an expression in SQL code. To do this, in the placeholder of the column, enter the name of the column, followed by AS, and followed by the desired expression. Here is an example:

    CircleID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
    Radius decimal(8, 3) NOT NULL,
    Area AS Radius * Radius * PI()

Using an Expression During Data Entry

When performing data entry, you must not provide a value for a column that has an expression. The SQL interpreter would provide the value automatically. Here is an example of entering data for the above Circle table:

INSERT INTO Circle(Radius) VALUES(46.82);
INSERT INTO Circle(Radius) VALUES(8.15);
INSERT INTO Circle(Radius) VALUES(122.57);

Persisted Columns

When you create a column that has an expression, the column doesn't have actual values. It is only a representative of values from other columns or constants. The column is referred to as a virtual column. Consider the following table:

    EmployeeNumber nchar(60),
    FirstName nvarchar(20),
    LastName nvarchar(20),
    HourlySalary money,
    TimeWorkedInAWeek decimal(6, 2),
    FullName AS FirstName + N' ' + LastName,
    WeeklySalary AS HourlySalary * TimeWorkedInAWeek

The FullName only shows values that are from the FirstName and the LastName columns. This means that, unlike the FirstName and the LastName columns that have actual values, there is no real value in the FullName column. Transact-SQL allows you to actually store the value of the expression in the column. Storing the value in the column is referred to as persisting the value.

To ask the database engine to store the value of the expression (as an actual value), if you are visually creating the column, in the bottom section, under (Formula), set the Is Persisted field to Yes:

Persisted Columns

If you are creating the column using code, add a flag named PERSISTED at the end of the column definition. Here is an example:

    EmployeeNumber nchar(60),
    FirstName nvarchar(20),
    LastName nvarchar(20),
    HourlySalary money,
    TimeWorkedInAWeek decimal(6, 2),
    FullName AS LastName + N', ' + FirstName PERSISTED,
    WeeklySalary AS HourlySalary * TimeWorkedInAWeek

Now, when you create a record, the result of the expression is saved in its own memory area. If you change the record, that is, if you change the value of (one of) the column(s) involved in the expression, the database engine would update the saved value of the expression.

Other Features of Records


Is RowGuid

This property allows you to specify that a column with the Identity property set to Yes is used as a ROWGUID column.


Because different languages use different mechanisms in their alphabetic characters, this can affect the way some sort algorithms or queries are performed on data, you can ask the database to apply a certain language mechanism to the field by changing the Collation property. Otherwise, you should accept the default specified by the table.

To find out what language your server is currently using, in a Query Editor or from PowerShell, you can type:


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Ending the Lesson

  1. Close Microsoft SQL Server
  2. When asked whether you want to save, click No

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