
Creating a Database



To create a database in SQL, use the following formula:


Here is an example:

CREATE DATABASE BethesdaCarRental;

If you want the name of the database to be in different words, include them in square brackets. Here is an example:

CREATE DATABASE [Bethesda Car Rental];

If you want the name of the database to be in different words, include them in square brackets.

To start from a sample code, open an empty Query window and display the Template Explorer. From the Template Explorer, expand Database. Drag Create Database and drop it in the Query window:

-- =============================================
-- Create database template
-- =============================================
USE master

-- Drop the database if it already exists
	SELECT name 
		FROM sys.databases 
		WHERE name = N'<Database_Name, sysname, Database_Name>'

CREATE DATABASE <Database_Name, sysname, Database_Name>

To visually create a database, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. In the Object Explorer, expand the server name followed by the Databases node. Right-click Databases and click New Database...

In the Name text box, type the desired name of the new database. Here is an example:

Then specify the other properties of the new database:

Initial Size


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