A Panel Example


A panel is an object that can be used to host or hold other controls whose belonging to the same group needs to be explicitly shown to the user. To create a panel, use the Panel class.

Panel Example
  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
  2. On the Start Page, click New Project (alternatively, on the main menu, you can click File -> New -> Project...)
  3. On the New Project dialog box, in the Project Types tree list, click Visual C++ Projects
  4. In the Templates list, click Managed C++ Empty Project
  5. In the Name edit box, replace the <Enter name> content with Panel
  6. In the Location combo box, accept the suggestion or type your own. If you don't have any, type C:\Programs\MSVC.NET
  7. Click OK
  8. On the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item...
  9. In the Add New Item dialog box, in the Templates list, click C++ File
  10. In the Name box, replace <Enter name> with Main and click OK
  11. Replace the contents of the empty file with the following (I have commented the whole file to indicate what each piece of code does):
    #using <mscorlib.dll>
    #using <System.dll>
    #using <System.Drawing.dll>
    #using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
    using namespace System;
    using namespace System::Drawing;
    using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
    __gc public class SimpleForm : public Form
    	Panel *pnlRectangle;
    	this->Text = S"Panel Control Example";
    	pnlRectangle = new Panel;
    	pnlRectangle->Location = Point(8, 16);
    	pnlRectangle->Size = Drawing::Size(220, 108);
    	pnlRectangle->BorderStyle = BorderStyle::Fixed3D;
    int __stdcall WinMain()
    	SimpleForm *FM = new SimpleForm;
    	return 0;
  12. Test the application.

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