Introduction to Conditional Conjunctions


In previous lessons, all the conditions we studied were dealing with one issue. Sometimes, you want to combine two or more conditions that address a common issue.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Conditional Conjunctions

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio. On the Visual Studio 2022 dialog box, click Create a New Project
  2. Make sure Console App is selected.
    Click Next
  3. Change the project Name to TaxPreparation02. Accept or change the project Location and press Enter
  4. Make sure the Framework combo box is displaying .NET 7.0 (Standard Term Support) and press Enter
  5. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn " - Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "========================================================"
    let mutable addedAmount = 0.00
    let mutable taxRate = 0.00
    printfn "Enter the information for tax preparation"
    printf "Gross Salary:  "
    let grossSalary = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    // Georgia
    let filingStatus = "Married Filing Joint or Head of Household";
    if grossSalary   >= 10_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 340.00
        taxRate      <- 5.75
    elif grossSalary >= 7_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 190.00
        taxRate      <- 5.00
    elif grossSalary >= 5_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 110.00
        taxRate      <- 4.00
    elif grossSalary >= 3_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 50.00
        taxRate      <- 3.00
    elif grossSalary >= 1_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 10.00
        taxRate      <- 2.00
    else // if grossSalary < 1_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 0.00
        taxRate      <- 1.00
    let taxAmount = addedAmount + (grossSalary * taxRate / 100.00)
    let net_pay = grossSalary - taxAmount
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn "- Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "--------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Gross Salary:  {grossSalary:f}"
    printfn $"Filing Status: {filingStatus}"
    printfn "Tax Rate:      %0.2f%c" taxRate '%'
    printfn $"Tax Amount:    {taxAmount:f}"
    printfn $"Net Pay:       {net_pay:f}"
    printfn "========================================================"
  6. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  7. For the Gross Salary, type 999.99 and press Enter
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  999.99
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  999.99
    Filing Status: Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Tax Rate:      1.00%
    Tax Amount:    10.00
    Net Pay:       989.99
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  8. Press Enter to close the window and return to your programming environment
  9. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  10. For the Gross Salary, type 1000 and press Enter
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  1000
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  1000.00
    Filing Status: Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Tax Rate:      2.00%
    Tax Amount:    30.00
    Net Pay:       970.00
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  11. Press Enter to close the window and return to your programming environment
  12. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  13. For the Gross Salary, type 5726.87 and press Enter
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5726.87
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5726.87
    Filing Status: Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Tax Rate:      4.00%
    Tax Amount:    339.07
    Net Pay:       5387.80
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  14. Press Enter to close the window and return to your programming environment
  15. Change the document as follows:
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn " - Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "========================================================"
    let mutable addedAmount = 0.00
    let mutable taxRate = 0.00
    printfn "Enter the information for tax preparation"
    printf "Gross Salary:  "
    let grossSalary = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    // Georgia
    let filingStatus = "Single"
    if grossSalary   >= 7_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 230.00
        taxRate      <- 5.75
    elif grossSalary >= 5_250 then
        addedAmount  <- 143.00
        taxRate      <- 5.00
    elif grossSalary >= 3_750 then
        addedAmount  <- 83.00
        taxRate      <- 4.00
    elif grossSalary >= 2_250 then
        addedAmount  <- 38.00
        taxRate      <- 3.00
    elif grossSalary >= 750 then
        addedAmount  <- 8.00
        taxRate      <- 2.00
    else // if grossSalary < 1_000 then
        addedAmount  <- 0.00
        taxRate      <- 1.00
    let taxAmount = addedAmount + (grossSalary * taxRate / 100.00)
    let net_pay = grossSalary - taxAmount
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn "- Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "--------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Gross Salary:  {grossSalary:f}"
    printfn $"Filing Status: {filingStatus}"
    printfn "Tax Rate:      %0.2f%c" taxRate '%'
    printfn $"Tax Amount:    {taxAmount:f}"
    printfn $"Net Pay:       {net_pay:f}"
    printfn "========================================================"
  16. To execute the application and test it, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  17. For the Dross Salary, type 749.99 and press Enter
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  749.99
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  749.99
    Filing Status: Single
    Tax Rate:      1.00%
    Tax Amount:    7.50
    Net Pay:       742.49
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  18. Press C to close the window and return to your programming environment
  19. To execute the application and test it again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  20. In the Terminal, click on the right side of Counter Reading Start, type 750 and press Enter
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  750
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  750.00
    Filing Status: Single
    Tax Rate:      2.00%
    Tax Amount:    23.00
    Net Pay:       727.00
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  21. Press R to close the window and return to your programming environment
  22. To execute the application and test it again, on the main menu, click Run -> Run Without Debugging
  23. In the Terminal, click on the right side of Counter Reading Start, type 5726.87 and press Enter
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5726.87
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5726.87
    Filing Status: Single
    Tax Rate:      5.00%
    Tax Amount:    429.34
    Net Pay:       5297.53
    Press any key to close this window . . .

Nesting a Conditional Statement

In the body of a conditional statement, you can create another conditional statement. This is referred to as nesting the condition. The condition nesting can be formulated as follows:

if condition1 then     // The nesting, main, parent, first, or external condition
    if condition2 then // The nested, child, second, or internal condition

In the same way, you can nest one conditional statement in one, then nest that new one in another conditional statement, and so on. This can be formulated as follows:

if condition1 then
    if condition2 then
        if condition3 then

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Nesting a Conditional Statement

  1. Change the document as folloes:
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn " - Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "========================================================"
    let mutable taxRate      = 0.00
    let mutable addedAmount  = 0.00
    let mutable filingStatus = "Unknown"
    printfn "Enter the information for tax preparation"
    printf "Gross Salary:  "
    let grossSalary = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printfn "Filing Status"
    printfn "s - Single"
    printfn "c - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household"
    printf "Enter Filing Status: "
    let answer = char(stdin.ReadLine())
    if answer = 's' then
        filingStatus <- "Single"
        if grossSalary   >= 7_000 then
            addedAmount  <- 290
            taxRate      <- 5.75
        elif grossSalary >= 5_250 then
            addedAmount  <- 143
            taxRate      <- 5.00
        elif grossSalary >= 3_750 then
            addedAmount  <- 83
            taxRate      <- 4.00
        elif grossSalary >= 2_250 then
            addedAmount  <- 38
            taxRate      <- 3.00
        elif grossSalary >= 750 then
            addedAmount  <- 8.00
            taxRate      <- 2.00
        else // if grossSalary < 1_000 then
            addedAmount  <- 0
            taxRate      <- 1.00
        filingStatus  <- "Married Filing Joint or Head of Household"
        if grossSalary   >= 10_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  340
            taxRate      <- 5.75
        elif grossSalary >= 7_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  190
            taxRate      <- 5.00
        elif grossSalary >= 5_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  110
            taxRate      <- 4.00
        elif grossSalary >= 3_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  50
            taxRate      <- 3.00
        elif grossSalary >= 1_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  10
            taxRate      <- 2.00
        else // if grossSalary < 1_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  0
            taxRate      <- 1.00
    let taxAmount = addedAmount + (grossSalary * taxRate / 100.00)
    let net_pay = grossSalary - taxAmount
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn "- Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "--------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Gross Salary:  {grossSalary:f}"
    printfn $"Filing Status: {filingStatus}"
    printfn "Tax Rate:      %0.2f%c" taxRate '%'
    printfn $"Tax Amount:    {taxAmount:f}"
    printfn $"Net Pay:       {net_pay:f}"
    printfn "========================================================"
  2. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debudding
  3. For the Gross Salary, type 5368.47 and press Enter
  4. For the Filing Statues, type s and press Enter:
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5368.47
    Filing Status
    s - Single
    c - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Enter Filing Status: s
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5368.47
    Filing Status: Single
    Tax Rate:      5.00%
    Tax Amount:    411.42
    Net Pay:       4957.05
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  5. Press R to close the window and return to your programming environment
  6. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debudding
  7. For the Gross Salary, type 5368.47 and press Enter
  8. For the Filing Statues, type c and press Enter:
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5368.47
    Filing Status
    s - Single
    c - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Enter Filing Status: c
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5368.47
    Filing Status: Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Tax Rate:      4.00%
    Tax Amount:    324.74
    Net Pay:       5043.73
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  9. Press F to close the window and return to your programming environment
  10. To expand on nesting conditional statements, change the document as follows:
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn " - Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "========================================================"
    let mutable taxRate      = 0.00
    let mutable addedAmount  = 0.00
    let mutable filingStatus = "Unknown"
    printfn "Enter the information for tax preparation"
    printf "Gross Salary:  "
    let grossSalary = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    printfn "Filing Status"
    printfn "1 - Single"
    printfn "s - Married Filing Separate"
    printfn "j - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household"
    printf "Enter Filing Status: "
    let answer = char(stdin.ReadLine())
    if answer = 'j' then
        filingStatus <- "Married Filing Joint or Head of Household"
        if grossSalary   >= 10_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  340
            taxRate      <- 5.75
        elif grossSalary >= 7_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  190
            taxRate      <- 5.00
        elif grossSalary >= 5_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  110
            taxRate      <- 4.00
        elif grossSalary >= 3_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  50
            taxRate      <- 3.00
        elif grossSalary >= 1_000 then
            addedAmount  <-  10
            taxRate      <- 2.00
        else // if grossSalary < 1_000: then
            addedAmount  <-  0
            taxRate      <- 1.00
    elif answer = 's' then
        filingStatus <- "Married Filing Separate"
        if grossSalary   >= 5_000 then
            addedAmount  <- 170
            taxRate      <- 5.75
        elif grossSalary >= 3_500 then
            addedAmount  <- 95
            taxRate      <- 5.00;
        elif grossSalary >= 2_500 then
            addedAmount  <- 55
            taxRate      <- 4.00
        elif grossSalary >= 1_500 then
            addedAmount  <- 25
            taxRate      <- 3.00
        elif grossSalary >= 500 then
            addedAmount  <- 5
            taxRate      <- 2.00
        else // if grossSalary < 1_000 then
            addedAmount  <- 0
            taxRate      <- 1.00
    else // if answer = Anything)
        filingStatus <- "Single"
        if grossSalary   >= 7_000 then
            addedAmount  <- 230
            taxRate      <- 5.75
        elif grossSalary >= 5_250 then
            addedAmount  <- 143
            taxRate      <- 5.00
        elif grossSalary >= 3_750 then
            addedAmount  <- 83
            taxRate      <- 4.00
        elif grossSalary >= 2_250 then
            addedAmount  <- 38
            taxRate      <- 3.00
        elif grossSalary >= 750 then
            addedAmount  <- 8
            taxRate      <- 2.00
        else // if grossSalary < 750 then
            addedAmount  <- 0
            taxRate      <- 1.00
    let taxAmount = addedAmount + (grossSalary * taxRate / 100.00)
    let net_pay = grossSalary - taxAmount
    printfn "========================================================"
    printfn "- Georgia - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "--------------------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Gross Salary:  {grossSalary:f}"
    printfn $"Filing Status: {filingStatus}"
    printfn "Tax Rate:      %0.2f%c" taxRate '%'
    printfn $"Tax Amount:    {taxAmount:f}"
    printfn $"Net Pay:       {net_pay:f}"
    printfn "========================================================"
  11. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  12. For the Gross Salary, type 5278.75 and press Enter
  13. For the Filing Status, type j and press Enter:
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5278.75
    Filing Status
    1 - Single
    s - Married Filing Separate
    j - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Enter Filing Status: j
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5278.75
    Filing Status: Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Tax Rate:      4.00%
    Tax Amount:    321.15
    Net Pay:       4957.60
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  14. Press T to close the window and return to your programming environment
  15. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  16. For the Gross Salary, type 5278.75 and press Enter
  17. For the Filing Status, type s and press Enter:
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5278.75
    Filing Status
    1 - Single
    s - Married Filing Separate
    j - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Enter Filing Status: s
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5278.75
    Filing Status: Married Filing Separate
    Tax Rate:      5.75%
    Tax Amount:    473.53
    Net Pay:       4805.22
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  18. Press G to close the window and return to your programming environment
  19. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  20. For the Gross Salary, type 5278.75 and press Enter
  21. For the Filing Status, type Separated from husband, living as a single person and press Enter:
     - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:  5278.75
    Filing Status
    1 - Single
    s - Married Filing Separate
    j - Married Filing Joint or Head of Household
    Enter Filing Status: Separated from husband, living as a single person
    - Georgia - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  5278.75
    Filing Status: Single
    Tax Rate:      5.00%
    Tax Amount:    406.94
    Net Pay:       4871.81
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  22. Press B to close the window and return to your programming environment
  23. Click inside the Code Editor, press Ctrl + A to select everything

A Boolean Conjunction


In human languages, a conjunction is a word or expression that connects or joins two other words or expressions. There are various words to play that role and they have different goals.

In application programming, a Boolean conjunction is a word that connects two expressions to find out whether both expressions are true. To support this operation, the F# language provides an operator as &&. The Boolean conjunction follows a formula as follow:

condition1 && condition2

Based on this formula, create conditional expression, as condition1. Add an && operator. Then add another condition expression, ascondition2. Each of the conditions is formulated as a Boolean expression we we were introduced in Lesson 4 as follows:

operand1 Boolean-operator operand2

An operand can be the name of a variable or it can be a value. The operator can be one of the Boolean operators we saw in Lesson 4; but there are some details to which you must pay attention.

Checking for Equality

One of the operations you can perform in a conjunction is to check for equality. Since a variable cannot be equal to two values, you should use a different variable for each condition. Here is an example:

printfn "======================================================================================================="
printfn "To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions."
printf "Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? "
let degree   = int(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y or another character): "
let security = char(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
if degree = 1 && security = 'y' then
    printfn "Welcome on board."
    printfn "We will get back to you..."
printfn "======================================================================================================="

Here is an example of running the program:

To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? 1
Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y or another character): y
Welcome on board.

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of running the program:

To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? 1
Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y or another character): u
We will get back to you...

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of running the program:

To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? 7
Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y or another character): y
We will get back to you...

Press any key to close this window . . .

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Boolean Conjunctions

  1. Type the following code:
    printfn "============================================"
    printfn " - Missouri - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "============================================"
    let mutable taxRate = 0.00
    let mutable amountAdded = 0.00
    printfn "Enter the information for tax preparation"
    printf "Gross Salary:        "
    let grossSalary = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    // Missouri
    if grossSalary   >= 0.00 && grossSalary <= 106 then
        amountAdded  <- 0
        taxRate      <- 0.00
    elif grossSalary > 106 && grossSalary <= 1_073 then
        amountAdded  <- 0
        taxRate      <- 1.50
    elif grossSalary > 1_073 && grossSalary <= 2_146 then
        amountAdded  <- 16
        taxRate      <- 2.00
    elif grossSalary > 2_146 && grossSalary <= 3_219 then
        amountAdded  <- 37
        taxRate      <- 2.50
    elif grossSalary > 3_219 && grossSalary <= 4_292 then
        amountAdded  <- 64
        taxRate      <- 3.00
    elif grossSalary > 4_292 && grossSalary <= 5_365 then
        amountAdded  <- 96
        taxRate      <- 3.50
    elif grossSalary > 5_365 && grossSalary <= 6_438 then
        amountAdded  <- 134
        taxRate      <- 4.00
    elif grossSalary > 6_438 && grossSalary <= 7_511 then
        amountAdded  <- 177
        taxRate      <- 4.50
    elif grossSalary > 7_511 && grossSalary <= 8_584 then
        amountAdded  <- 225
        taxRate      <- 5.00
    else // if grossSalary  > 8_584 then
        amountAdded  <- 279
        taxRate      <- 5.40
    let taxAmount = amountAdded + (grossSalary * taxRate / 100.00)
    let netPay = grossSalary - taxAmount
    printfn "=============================================="
    printfn "- Missouri - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "----------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Gross Salary:        {grossSalary:f}"
    printfn "Tax Rate:            %0.2f%c" taxRate '%'
    printfn $"Amount Added:        {amountAdded:f}"
    printfn "----------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Tax Amount:          {taxAmount:f}"
    printfn $"Net Pay:             {netPay:f}"
    printfn "=============================================="
  2. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  3. For the Gross Salary, type a natural number such as 3688.93 and press Enter:
     - Missouri - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:        3688.97
    - Missouri - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:        3688.97
    Tax Rate:            3.00%
    Amount Added:        64.00
    Tax Amount:          174.67
    Net Pay:             3514.30
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  4. Press V to close the window and return to your programming environment

Omitting Checking Equality

Condition code as follows:

let submitted = true
let received  = false

if submitted = true && received = false then
    printfn "The application was previously submitted and it has been received."
    printfn "The application is currently under review."

This would produce:

The application was previously submitted and it has been received.
The application is currently under review.

Press any key to close this window . . .

In the previous Lesson, we saw that when a contidion is checking for equality, you can omit its = true expression. Here is example:

let submitted = true
let received  = false

if submitted && received = false then
    printfn "The application was previously submitted and it has been received."
    printfn "The application is currently under review."

In the same way, if each condition of a conjunction is checking for equality, you can omit each = true expression. Here are examples:

From this:

let submitted = true
let approved  = true

if submitted = true && approved = true then
    printfn "The application was submitted and approved."
printfn "==========================================="

To this:

let submitted = true
let approved  = true

if submitted && approved then
    printfn "The application was submitted and approved."
printfn "==========================================="

Isolating the Conditions of a Conjunction

Conditional statements can be difficult to read, especially when they are long. When it comes to conjunctions, to make your code easy to read, you can put each condition in its own parentheses. Based on this, the above code can be written as follows:

printfn "======================================================================================================="
printfn "To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions."
printf "Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? "
let degree   = int(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y or another character): "
let security = char(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
if (degree = 1) && (security = 'y') then
    printfn "Welcome on board."
    printfn "We will get back to you..."
printfn "======================================================================================================="

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Isolating the Conditions of a Conjunction

  1. To make your code easy to read, change it as follows:
    printfn "============================================"
    printfn " - Missouri - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "============================================"
    let mutable taxRate = 0.00
    let mutable amountAdded = 0.00
    printfn "Enter the information for tax preparation"
    printf "Gross Salary:        "
    let grossSalary = float(stdin.ReadLine())
    // Missouri
    if   (grossSalary >= 0)    && ((grossSalary <= 106) then
        amountAdded   <- 0
        taxRate       <- 0.00
    elif (grossSalary > 106)   && (grossSalary <= 1_073) then
        amountAdded   <- 0
        taxRate       <- 1.50
    elif (grossSalary > 1_073) && (grossSalary <= 2_146) then
        amountAdded   <- 16
        taxRate       <- 2.00
    elif (grossSalary > 2_146) && (grossSalary <= 3_219) then
        amountAdded   <- 37
        taxRate       <- 2.50
    elif ((grossSalary > 3_219) && ((grossSalary <= 4_292) then
        amountAdded   <- 64
        taxRate       <- 3.00
    elif (grossSalary > 4_292) && (grossSalary <= 5_365)) then
        amountAdded   <- 96
        taxRate       <- 3.50
    elif (grossSalary > 5_365) && (grossSalary <= 6_438) then
        amountAdded   <- 134
        taxRate       <- 4.00
    elif (grossSalary > 6_438) && (grossSalary <= 7_511) then
        amountAdded   <- 177
        taxRate       <- 4.50
    elif ((grossSalary > 7_511) && (grossSalary <= 8_584) then
        amountAdded   <- 225
        taxRate       <- 5.00
    else // if grossSalary  > 8_584 then
        amountAdded  <- 279
        taxRate      <- 5.40
    let taxAmount = amountAdded + (grossSalary * taxRate / 100.00)
    let netPay = grossSalary - taxAmount
    printfn "=============================================="
    printfn "- Missouri - State Income Tax -"
    printfn "----------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Gross Salary:        {grossSalary:f}"
    printfn "Tax Rate:            %0.2f%c" taxRate '%'
    printfn $"Amount Added:        {amountAdded:f}"
    printfn "----------------------------------------------"
    printfn $"Tax Amount:          {taxAmount:f}"
    printfn $"Net Pay:             {netPay:f}"
    printfn "=============================================="
  2. To execute again, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  3. For the Gross Salary, type a natural number such as 7884.65 and press Enter:
     - Missouri - State Income Tax -
    Enter the information for tax preparation
    Gross Salary:        7884.65
    - Missouri - State Income Tax -
    Gross Salary:  7884.65
    Tax Rate:      5.00%
    Amount Added:  225.00
    Tax Amount:    619.23
    Net Pay:       7265.42
    Press any key to close this window . . .
  4. Press T to close the window and return to your programming environment

Negating a Condition

Remember that, in a conjunction, each condition is formulated as a Boolean operation. In the previous lesson, we saw that, to negate an logical operation, we can precede it with the not operator. You can apply this operator in a conjunction. You have various options.

Because a conjunction is a whole Boolean operation by itself, you can negate the whole conjunction. To do this, put the whole operaion in parentheses and precede it with the not operator. Here is an example:

printfn "======================================================================================================="
printfn "To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions."
printf "Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? "
let degree = int(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y for Yes any character for No): "
let security = char(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

if not (degree = 1 && security = 'y') then
    printfn "The company management needs to investigate your application more seriously."
    printfn "You are hired."

printfn "======================================================================================================="

Here is an example of running the program:

To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? 1
Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y for Yes any character for No): y
You are hired.

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of running the program:

To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? 5
Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y for Yes any character for No): y
The company management needs to investigate your application more seriously.

Press any key to close this window . . .

If you want, you can negate only one of the conditions. In that case, that condition must be included in parentheses. Then, precede that condition with the not operator. Here is an example:

printfn "Traffic Tickets Management"
printfn "This application allows the county to set the ticket amount from an image filmed by a traffic camera."
printfn "====================================================================================================="

let mutable ticket = 0

printf "Was the driver going at 15 miles above the speed limit (Type y for Yes or any character for No)? "
let speedAnswer = char(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printfn "Road Status"
printfn "R - Regular traffic"
printfn "Z - School Zone"
printf "Enter the road status (Type R, S, or Z)? "
let status = char(stdin.ReadLine())

let valid = speedAnswer = 'y' && not (status = 'Z')

if valid = true then
    ticket <- 45

printfn "======================================================================================================"
printfn "Ticket Amount: %i" ticket
printfn "======================================================================================================"

Here is an example of running the program:

Traffic Tickets Management
This application allows the county to set the ticket amount from an image filmed by a traffic camera.
Was the driver going at 15 miles above the speed limit (Type y for Yes or any character for No)? y
Road Status
R - Regular traffic
Z - School Zone
Enter the road status (Type R, S, or Z)? R
Ticket Amount: 45

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of running the program:

Traffic Tickets Management
This application allows the county to set the ticket amount from an image filmed by a traffic camera.
Was the driver going at 15 miles above the speed limit (Type y for Yes or any character for No)? n
Road Status
R - Regular traffic
Z - School Zone
Enter the road status (Type R, S, or Z)? i
Ticket Amount: 0

Press any key to close this window . . .

If necessary, you can negate each of both conditions. Here is an example:

printfn "======================================================================================================="
printfn "To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions."
printf "Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? "
let degree = int(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y for Yes any character for No): "
let security = char(stdin.ReadLine())
printfn "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

if not (degree = 1) && not (security = 'y') then
    printfn "We will get back to you..."
    printfn "You employment application is currently under review."
printfn "======================================================================================================="

Here is an example of running the program:

To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Do you have a college degree (undergraduate or graduate (Type 1 for Yes or another number for No)? 5
Do you hold a SECRET or equivalent security level (Type y for Yes any character for No): n
We will get back to you...

Press any key to close this window . . .

Checking for Non-Equality

In Boolean algebra, to check whether a certain variable holds a value different from a constant you have, you can use the <> operator. Because a variable can easily be different from two values, you can use the same variable on two conditions of a conjunction. Here are examples:

printfn "Traffic Tickets Management"
printfn "This application allows the county to set the ticket amount from an image filmed by a traffic camera."
printfn "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

let mutable ticket = 45

printfn "Road Status"
printfn "R - Regular traffic"
printfn "S - Sensitive Area"
printfn "Z - School Zone"
printfn "U - Unknown or information not available"
printf "Enter the road status (Type R, S, or Z)? "
let status = char(stdin.ReadLine())

let valid = status <> 'R' && status <> 'U'

if valid = true then
    ticket <- 90

printfn "====================================================================================================="
printfn "Ticket Amount: %d" ticket
printfn "====================================================================================================="

Here is an example of testing the program:

Traffic Tickets Management
This application allows the county to set the ticket amount from an image filmed by a traffic camera.
Road Status
R - Regular traffic
S - Sensitive Area
Z - School Zone
U - Unknown or information not available
Enter the road status (Type R, S, or Z)? R
Ticket Amount: 45

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of testing the program:

Traffic Tickets Management
This application allows the county to set the ticket amount from an image filmed by a traffic camera.
Road Status
R - Regular traffic
S - Sensitive Area
Z - School Zone
U - Unknown or information not available
Enter the road status (Type R, S, or Z)? S
Ticket Amount: 90

Press any key to close this window . . .

A Conjunction for Non-Equivalence

The <, <=, >, and >= operators can be applied to any condition of a conjunction. You can use the same variable for each condition or you can use a different variable for each condition. Here is an example that checks that a number is in a certain range:

printfn "================================================================"
printfn "Job Interview"
printfn "----------------------------------------------------------------"
printfn "To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions."
printfn "Levels of Security Clearance:"
printfn "0. Unknown or None"
printfn "1. Non-Sensitive"
printfn "2. National Security - Non-Critical Sensitive"
printfn "3. National Security - Critical Sensitive"
printfn "4. National Security - Special Sensitive"
printfn "----------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "Type your level (1-4): "
let level = int(stdin.ReadLine());
printfn "================================================================"
if level >= 2 && level <= 4 then
    printfn "Welcome on board."
    printfn "We will get back to you..."
printfn "================================================================"

Here is an example of running the program:

Job Interview
To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Levels of Security Clearance:
0. Unknown or None
1. Non-Sensitive
2. National Security - Non-Critical Sensitive
3. National Security - Critical Sensitive
4. National Security - Special Sensitive
Type your level (1-4): 2
Welcome on board.

Press any key to close this window . . .

Here is another example of running the program:

Job Interview
To grant you this job, we need to ask a few questions.
Levels of Security Clearance:
0. Unknown or None
1. Non-Sensitive
2. National Security - Non-Critical Sensitive
3. National Security - Critical Sensitive
4. National Security - Special Sensitive
Type your level (1-4): 1
We will get back to you...

Press any key to close this window . . .

In the same way, you can use a combination of the Boolean operators any appropriate way you want. Here are examples where one condition uses the = operator while the other condition uses a >= operator:

let mutable name = "Gabrielle Towa"
let mutable timeWorked = 42.50
let mutable status = "Full-Time"
let mutable verdict = status = "Full-Time" && timeWorked  >= 40.00

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// Both conditions are True:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "The time sheet has been approved."
    printfn "Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime."
printfn "======================================================================================"

name       <- "Stephen Anders"
status     <- "Full-Time"
timeWorked <- 38.00
verdict    <- status = "Full-Time" && timeWorked  >= 40.00

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// The first condition is True AND the second condition is False:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "The time sheet has been approved."
    printfn "Time Sheet under review: Every full-time employee must work at least 40 hours a week."
printfn "======================================================================================"

name       <- "Rose Sandt"
status     <- "Part-Time"
timeWorked <- 44.00
verdict    <- status = "Full-Time" && timeWorked  >= 40.00

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// The first condition is False AND the second condition is True:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "The time sheet has been approved."
    printfn "Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime."
printfn "======================================================================================"

name       <- "Joseph Lee"
status     <- "Part-Time"
timeWorked <- 36.50
verdict    <- status = "Full-Time" && timeWorked  >= 40.00

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// The first condition is False AND the second condition is False:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "Part-time employees work part-time."
    printfn "Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime."
printfn "======================================================================================"

This would produce:

Employee Name:               Gabrielle Towa
Time Worked:                 42.5
Employment Status:           Full-Time
Condition-1 AND Condition-2: True
The time sheet has been approved.
Employee Name:               Stephen Anders
Time Worked:                 38
Employment Status:           Full-Time
Condition-1 AND Condition-2: False
Time Sheet under review: Every full-time employee must work at least 40 hours a week.
Employee Name:               Rose Sandt
Time Worked:                 44
Employment Status:           Part-Time
Condition-1 AND Condition-2: False
Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime.
Employee Name:               Joseph Lee
Time Worked:                 36.5
Employment Status:           Part-Time
Condition-1 AND Condition-2: False
Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime.

Press any key to close this window . . .

In the above example, we wrote each conjunction as one unit (such as status = "Full-Time" && timeWorked >= 40.00). Remember that, when creating a logical conjunction, to make your code easy to read, you should put each condition in its own parenthesis. Here are examples:

let mutable name = "Gabrielle Towa"
let mutable timeWorked = 42.50
let mutable status = "Full-Time"
let mutable verdict = (status = "Full-Time") && (timeWorked  >= 40.00)

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// Both conditions are True:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "The time sheet has been approved."
    printfn "Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime."
printfn "======================================================================================"

name       <- "Stephen Anders"
status     <- "Full-Time"
timeWorked <- 38.00
verdict    <- (status = "Full-Time") && (timeWorked  >= 40.00)

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// The first condition is True AND the second condition is False:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "The time sheet has been approved."
    printfn "Time Sheet under review: Every full-time employee must work at least 40 hours a week."
printfn "======================================================================================"

name       <- "Rose Sandt"
status     <- "Part-Time"
timeWorked <- 44.00
verdict    <- (status = "Full-Time") && (timeWorked  >= 40.00)

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// The first condition is False AND the second condition is True:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "The time sheet has been approved."
    printfn "Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime."
printfn "======================================================================================"

name       <- "Joseph Lee"
status     <- "Part-Time"
timeWorked <- 36.50
verdict    <- (status = "Full-Time") && (timeWorked  >= 40.00)

printfn "Employee Name:               %s" name
printfn "Time Worked:                 %0.2f" timeWorked
printfn "Employment Status:           %s" status
printfn "Condition-1 AND Condition-2: %b" verdict
printfn "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// The first condition is False AND the second condition is False:
if verdict = true then
    printfn "Part-time employees work part-time."
    printfn "Part-time employees are not allowed to work overtime."
printfn "======================================================================================"

Combining Various Conjunctions

Depending on your goal, if two conditions are not enough, you can create as many conjunctions as you want. The formula to follow is:

condition1 && condition2 && condition3 && . . . && condition_n

When the expression is checked, if any of the operations is false, the whole operation is false. The only time the whole operation is true is if all the operations are true.

Of course, you can nest a Boolean condition inside another conditional statement.

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