
Introduction to Data Entry


Fundamentals of Built-In Functions



Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual Basic ship with various functions and procedures you can use in your database. Before creating your own procedures, you should know what is already available so you don't have to re-invent and waste a great deal of your time. The functions already created are very efficient and were tested in various scenarios so you can use them with complete reliability.

The available functions range in various types. There are so many built-in functions and procedures that we can only introduce some of them here. You can find out about the others in the Help files because they are fairly documented.

Conversion Functions

When studying variables, we introduced and also reviewed the conversion functions. We saw that each had a corresponding function used to convert a string value or an expression to that type. As a reminder, the general syntax of the conversion functions is:

ReturnType = FunctionName(Expression)

The Expression could be of any kind. For example, it could be a string or expression that would produce a value such as the result of a calculation. The conversion function would take such a value, string, or expression and attempt to convert it. If the conversion is successful, the function would return a new value that is of the type specified by the ReturnType in our syntax.

The conversion functions are as follows:

Name Return Type Description
CBool Boolean Converts an expression into a Boolean value
CByte Byte Converts an expression into Byte number
CDbl Double Converts an expression into a floating-point number with double precision
CDec Decimal Converts an expression into a decimal number
CInt Integer Converts an expression into an integer (natural) number
CLng Long Converts an expression into a long integer (a large natural) number
CObj Object Converts an expression into an Object type
CSByte SByte Converts an expression into a signed byte
CShort Short Converts an expression into a short integer
CSng Single Converts an expression into a floating-point number with single precision
CUInt UInt Converts an expression into an unsigned integer
CULng ULong Converts an expression into an unsigned long integer
CUShort UShort Converts an expression into an unsigned short integer

These functions allow you to convert a known value to a another type.

The Memory Used by a Data Type

In Lesson 3, we saw that different data types are used to store different values. To do that, each data type requires a different amount of space in the computer memory. To know the amount of space that a data type or a variable needs, you can call the Len() function. Its syntax is:

Public Function Len( _
   ByVal Expression As { Boolean | Byte | Double |
   Integer | Long | Object | Single | String | Date | Variant } _
) As Integer

To call this function, you can declare a variable with a data type of your choice and optionally initialize with the appropriate value, then pass that variable to the function. Here is an example:

Public Sub Exercise()
    Dim Value As Integer

    Value = 774554

End Sub

The Beeping Message

If you want, you can make the computer produce a beeping a sound in response to something, anything. To support this, the Visual Basic language provides a function called Beep. Its syntax is:

Public Sub Beep()

Here is an example of calling it:

Private Sub cmdBeep_Click()
End Sub

If this function is called when a program is running, the computer emits a brief sound.

Introduction to Data Entry


Table Data Entry 

After creating a table and its column(s), you can populate the database with data. You and the user can use either the table or the form but as mentioned previously, the form is sometimes the appropriate object to do this. Data entry consists of filling a database with the necessary values. A series of values that corresponds to same levels of columns is called a row or a record.

To enter data in a table, after displaying it in the Datasheet View, the user can click a box under a column and type the necessary value. After entering data in a box, the user can press Tab or Enter to move to the next box on the right. Whenever the user enters a value and moves to the next box, Microsoft Access automatically saves that value and it becomes part of the record.

When either all horizontal boxes have been covered or the user simply decides to move to another horizontal range of boxes, he or she is said to have created a record. In summary, a record is a series of the same horizontal boxes. A record is actually represented as a row. The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell:


This means that data is actually entered into cells.


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Data Entry

  1. Start Microsoft Access
  2. Open the cpar1 database created in the previous lesson
  3. In the Navigation Pane, right-click RepairOrders and click Design View

Form Data Entry

The form is the friendliest object of a database and meant for data entry. To perform data entry on a text field of a form, the user can click the control or the label that accompanies it, and type the desired value. Any of the forms we have created so far was good for data entry. After creating such a form, it is equipped with navigation buttons that allow a user to move from one record from another.

If you want, you can create a special form used only for data entry. That is, you would not move from one record to another. To create a form for direct data entry, you have many alternatives. One of the techniques you can use to create a data entry-only form is as follows:

  1. Generate a form based on the table that holds the information
  2. Set its Navigation Buttons property to No and its Data Entry property to Yes.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Data Entry Form

  1. Double-click the button at the intersection of the rulers to access its Properties window and change the properties as follows:
    Caption: College Park Auto Repair - New Repair Order
    Data Entry: Yes
    Navigation Buttons: No
  2. Switch the form to Form View
  3. Save the form

Programmatic Data Entry



When the user is ready to perform data entry, you can open the form specifically for data entry. That is, you can programmatically navigate the form to a new record. To do this, you can call the GoToRecord() method of the DoCmd object. The syntax of this method is:

GoToRecord(ObjectType, ObjectName, Record, Offset)

The first argument to this method must be a constant value. In this case, it would be acDataForm. If you are calling it to act on the current form, you can set this argument to acActiveDataObject. In this case, you can omit this argument. The second argument is the name of the form to which the new record will be added. If the record is being added to the same form that is making the call, you can omit this argument. The third argument specifies the action that would be performed. This argument holds a constant value. In the case of adding a new record, the value of this argument would be acNewRec. The last argument has to do with other values of the third argument.

Here is an example that opens a form named Customers at a new record:

Private Sub cmdAddCustomer_Click()
    DoCmd.OpenForm "Customers"
    DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "Customers", acNewRec
End Sub

Instead of writing this code, you can use the Command Button Wizard where you would select Record Operations followed by Add New Record.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Accessing a Form for Data Entry

  1. Start Microsoft Access
  2. From the resources that accompany these lessons, open the Clarksville Ice Cream1 database
  3. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the IceCreamOrders form and click Design View
  4. Right-click the New Order button and click Build Event...
  5. In the Choose Builder dialog box, double-click Code Builder
  6. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdNewOrder_Click()
        DoCmd.GoToRecord , , AcRecord.acNewRec
    End Sub
  7. Return to Microsoft Access and save the form

Data Entry With the Microsoft Access Object Library

The values held by a table are referred to as a record set. Before performing data entry, you must programmatically open the table. That is, you must open the record set. To make this possible in the Microsoft Access Object Library, its Database class is equipped with a method named OpenRecordset. This method can take as argument the name of the table on which you want to perform data entry. Based on this, here is an example of calling the method:

Private Sub cmdDataEntry_Click()
End Sub

Once you have the record set, you can perform data entry on it. To support this, the OpenRecordset() method returns an object named Recordset. If you want to use the table after opening the record set, get the return value of the method. To do this, declare a variable of type Object and assign it to the return value of this method call. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdDataEntry_Click()
    Dim curDatabase As Object
    Dim rstStudents As Object
    Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
    Set rstStudents = curDatabase.OpenRecordset("Students")
End Sub

After using the record set, free the memory it was using by assigning Nothing to it. This would be done as follows:

Private Sub cmdDataEntry_Click()
    Dim curDatabase As Object
    Dim rstStudents As Object
    Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
    Set rstStudents = curDatabase.OpenRecordset("Students")
    . . . Use the record set here

    Set rstStudents = Nothing
    Set curDatabase = Nothing
End Sub

After opening then getting a record set, you can create a new record. To support the creation of a record, the Recordset class is equipped with a method named AddNew. Here is an example of calling it:

Private Sub cmdDataEntry_Click()
    Dim curDatabase As Object
    Dim rstStudents As Object
    Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
    Set rstStudents = curDatabase.OpenRecordset("Students")

    Set rstStudents = Nothing
    Set curDatabase = Nothing
End Sub

This method only indicates that you want to create a new record. To actually create a record, you must specify a value for each column of the table. To support this, the Recordset class is equipped with an indexed property. The indexed property of a record set represents an object of type Field. Once of the properties of the Field class is the Name, which is the name of a column. Therefore, when accessing the indexed property of the Recordset class, pass the name of the column an argument, the name of the column whose value you want to specify.

Another property of the Field class is named Value. To specify the new value of a column, use this property to assign the desired value to the column. Here is an example of specifying a new value for a column named FirstName from a table named Students:

Private Sub cmdDataEntry_Click()
    Dim curDatabase As Object
    Dim rstStudents As Object
    Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
    Set rstStudents = curDatabase.OpenRecordset("Students")
    rstStudents("FirstName").Value = "Helene"
    Set rstStudents = Nothing
    Set curDatabase = Nothing
End Sub

After adding a new record, you must ask the record set to receive the new value. To support this, the Recordset class is equipped with a method named Update. Therefore, call this method after specifying a value for each column. Here is example of calling this method:

Private Sub cmdCreateTable_Click()
    Dim curDatabase As Object
    Dim tblStudents As Object
    Dim fldFirstName As Object, fldLastName As Object

    ' Get a reference to the current database
    Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
    ' Create a new table named Students
    Set tblStudents = curDatabase.CreateTableDef("Students")
    Set fldFirstName = tblStudents.CreateField("FirstName", dbText)
    tblStudents.Fields.Append fldFirstName
    Set fldLastName = tblStudents.CreateField("LastName", dbText)
    tblStudents.Fields.Append fldLastName
    ' Add the Students table to the current database
    curDatabase.TableDefs.Append tblStudents
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDataEntry_Click()
    Dim curDatabase As Object
    Dim rstStudents As Object
    Set curDatabase = CurrentDb
    Set rstStudents = curDatabase.OpenRecordset("Students")
    rstStudents("FirstName").Value = "Helene"
    rstStudents("LastName").Value = "Mukoko"
    Set rstStudents = Nothing
    Set curDatabase = Nothing
End Sub

Data Entry With the Microsoft DAO Library

Like the Microsoft Access Object Library, DAO relies on a record set for data entry. Therefore, before creating a new record, you must open a record set. To support this, the Database class of the DAO library is equipped with a method named OpenRecordset. When calling this method, pass the name of the table where you want to create a new record. This would be done as follows:

Private Sub cmdCreateRecord_Click()
End Sub

The DAO.Database.OpenRecordset() method returns a Recordset object. To do anything on the record set, get a reference to this returned object. To do this, declare an DAO.Recordset variable and assign the return value of the OpenRecordset() method to it. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdCreateRecord_Click()
    Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset
    Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
    Set rstEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
End Sub

Once you have the record set, you can use it. For example, you can add a new record to it. To assist you with this, the DAO.Recordset class provides the AddNew method. Call this method to indicate that you want to create a new record. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdCreateRecord_Click()
    Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset
    Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
    Set rstEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")

End Sub

After calling the AddNew() method, access each desired column of the table using the indexed property of the DAO.Recordset class. The indexed property takes the name of the column as argument. The DAO.Recordset() indexed property is an object of type Field. The Field class is equipped with a property named Name. This property allows you to access a column using its name. The Field class is also equipped with a property named Value. To assign a new value for a column, assign that value to the Field.Value property. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdCreateRecord_Click()
    Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset
    Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
    Set rstEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
    rstEmployees("EmployeeNumber").Value = "824-660"
End Sub

After creating the record, you must update the record set. This is done by calling the Update() method of the Recordset class. Here is example:

Private Sub cmdCreateRecord_Click()
    Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset
    Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
    Set rstEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
    rstEmployees("EmployeeNumber").Value = "824-660"
End Sub

After using the record set, get rid of it by assigning Nothing to it. This would be done as follows:

Private Sub cmdCreateTable_Click()
    Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
    Dim tblEmployees As DAO.TableDef
    Dim fldEmployeeNumber As DAO.Field
    Dim fldEmployeeName As DAO.Field
    Dim fldEmailAddress As DAO.Field
    ' Specify the database to use
    Set dbExercise = CurrentDb

    ' Create a new TableDef object.
    Set tblEmployees = dbExercise.CreateTableDef("Employees")

    Set fldEmployeeNumber = tblEmployees.CreateField("EmployeeNumber", DB_TEXT)
    tblEmployees.Fields.Append fldEmployeeNumber

    Set fldEmployeeName = tblEmployees.CreateField("EmployeeName", DB_TEXT)
    tblEmployees.Fields.Append fldEmployeeName

    Set fldEmailAddress = tblEmployees.CreateField("EmailAddress", DB_TEXT)
    tblEmployees.Fields.Append fldEmailAddress

   ' Add the new table to the database.
   dbExercise.TableDefs.Append tblEmployees
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCreateRecord_Click()
    Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset
    Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
    Set rstEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
    rstEmployees("EmployeeNumber").Value = "824-660"
    rstEmployees("EmployeeName").Value = "Gertrude Monay"
    rstEmployees("EmailAddress").Value = "gmonay@functionx.com"
    Set rstEmployees = Nothing
    Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub

Notice that the Microsoft Access Object library and the Microsoft DAO Library use the same approach to perform the same operations. Only the names of classes are different.

Creating a Recordset in ADO

ADO uses the same steps as DAO to create a new record but it extends the approach. First, you should check whether the Recordset object would allow a new record to be added. To do this, you can call the Supports() method. Its syntax is:

boolean = recordset.Supports(CursorOptions)

The argument passed to this method is a member of the CursorOptionEnum enumeration. If you want to check whether the record set supports record addition, pass this argument as adAddNew. If the record set allows addition, the method returns True. Otherwise it returns False. After checking this, if the record set supports record addition, you can then assign each desired value to the appropriate column. After assigning the values, call the Update() method of the Recordset object. Here is an example that creates a new record with selected columns in a table named Videos:

Private Sub cmdAddNewVideo_Click()
    Dim rstVideos As ADODB.Recordset

    Set rstVideos = New ADODB.Recordset
    rstVideos.Open "Videos", CurrentProject.Connection, _
                   adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

    If rstVideos.Supports(adAddNew) Then
        rstVideos("Title").Value = "Leap of Faith"
        rstVideos("Director").Value = "Richard Pearce"
        rstVideos("Rating").Value = "PG-13"
    End If
   Set rstVideos = Nothing
End Sub

The Recordset Object of an Object

Some controls, such as the combo box or the list box, are meant to hold a list of values. We also know that a form or a report is primarily created to show one or more records. Such controls hold their own record set. If you create a Recordset object and want to initialize it with the values held in the form where it is called, you can simply assign it Me.Recordset. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdRecordset_Click()
    ' Create a recordset
    Dim rstVideos As Recordset
    ' Specify that the record set points to the records of this form
    Set rstVideos = Me.Recordset
End Sub

When a form is equipped to display the values of a list, that form has a Recordset object that represents its records. Once again, remember that there are various other ways you can initialize a Recordset object. For example, if you are using ADO, to use the records of the form that is calling it, you can assign Me.Recordset to your Recordset object. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdSetOfRecords_Click()
    Dim rstVideos As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rstVideos = Me.Recordset
End Sub

The Clone of a Form's Recordset

We saw that the Windows controls on a form could be used to display data from a table. This is done by specifying a list of values in the RecordSource property of the form. To get the set of records that the RecordSource property of a form holds, you can access its RecordsetClone property.




SQL and Data Entry



With SQL, before performing data entry on a table, you must know how the table is structured, the sequence of its columns, the type of data that each column is made of: it is certainly undesirable to have a numeric value as somebody's first name.

Before performing data entry, you must make sure that the table exists. Otherwise, you would receive a 3192 error:

Error 3192

To enter data in a table, you start with the INSERT combined with the VALUES keywords. The statement uses the following syntax:

INSERT TableName VALUES(Column1, Column2, Column_n)

Alternatively, or to be more precise, you can specify that you are entering data in the table using the INTO keyword between the INSERT keyword and the TableName factor. This is done with the following syntax:

INSERT INTO TableName VALUES(Column1, Column2, Column_n)

The TableName factor must be a valid name of an existing table in the currently selected database. If the name is wrong, the SQL interpreter would simply consider that the table you are referring to doesn't exist. Consequently, you would receive an error.

The VALUES keyword indicates that you are ready to list the values of the columns. The values of the columns must be included in parentheses. Specify the value of each column in the parentheses that follow the VALUES keyword.

If the data type of a column is a string type, include its value between double-quotes if you are using the DoCmd.RunSQL() method of Microsoft Access or you should include it in single-quotes if you are using ADO. For example, a shelf number can be specified as "HHR-604" for DoCmd.RunSQL() or 'HHR-604' for ADO and a middle initial can be given as "D" for Microsoft Access or 'D' for ADO.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Data Entry Form

  1. Reopen the cpar1 database
  2. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the RepairOrders form and click Design View
  3. As the form is in Design View, from the Controls section of the Ribbon, click the Button and click under the Form Footer bar.
    If the Command Button Wizard starts, click Cancel
  4. Change the properties of the button as follows:
    Name: cmdSubmit
    Caption: Submit
    Repair Orders
  5. Save the form

Adjacent Data entry

The most common technique of performing data entry requires that you know the sequence of columns of the table in which you want to enter data. With this sequence in mind, enter the value of each field in its correct position.

During data entry on adjacent fields, if you don't have a value for a string field, type two double-quotes to specify an empty field. Imagine you have a table equipped with two string columns. Here is an example that creates a record made of two strings:

Private Sub cmdEnterData_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(""Jimmy"", ""Collen"");"
End Sub

Random Data Entry

The adjacent data entry requires that you know the position of each column. The SQL provides an alternative that allows you to perform data entry using the name of a column instead of its position. This allows you to provide the values of fields in any order of your choice.

To perform data entry at random, you must provide a list of the columns of the table in the order of your choice. You can either use all columns or provide a list of the same columns but in your own order. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdCreateTable_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "CREATE Table Employees (" & _
                 "FirstName Text, " & _
                 "LastName Text, " & _
                 "EmailAddress Varchar, " & _
                 "HomePhone Char);"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCreateNewRecord_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Employees (" & _
                 "FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, HomePhone) " & _
                 "VALUES(""Gertrude"", ""Monay"", " & _
                 " ""gmonay@ynb.com"", ""(104) 972-0416"");"
End Sub

You don't have to provide data for all columns, just those you want, in the order you want. To do this, enter the names of the desired columns on the right side of the name of the table, in parentheses. The syntax used would be:

INSERT TableName(ColumnName1, Columnname2, ColumnName_n)
VALUES(ValueFormColumnName1, ValueFormColumnName2, ValueFormColumnName_n);

Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdCreateTable_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "CREATE Table Employees (" & _
                 "FirstName Text, " & _
                 "LastName Text, " & _
                 "EmailAddress Varchar, " & _
                 "HomePhone Char);"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCreateNewRecord_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Employees (" & _
                 "LastName, EmailAddress, FirstName) " & _
                 "VALUES(""Mukoko"", ""hmukoko@ynb.com"", " & _
                 " ""Helene"");"
End Sub

Notice that, during data entry, the columns are provided in an order different than that in which they were created.

Practical Learning: Creating a Table

  1. Right-click the Submit button and click Build Event
  2. In the Choose Builder dialog box, double-click Code Builder
  3. To perform data entry, type the following code:
    Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
        DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO RepairOrders(CustomerName, " & _
                                              "CustomerAddress, " & _
                                              "CustomerCity, " & _
                                              "CustomerState, " & _
                                              "CustomerZIPCode, " & _
                                              "CarYear, CarMakeModel)" & _
                                       "VALUES(""" & CustomerName & """, """ & _
                                               CustomerAddress & """, """ & _
                                               CustomerCity & """, """ & _
                                               CustomerState & """, """ & _
                                               CustomerZIPCode & """, """ & _
                                               CarYear & """, """ & _
                                               CarMakeModel & """);"
        CustomerName = ""
        CustomerAddress = ""
        CustomerCity = ""
        CustomerState = ""
        CustomerZIPCode = ""
        CarMakeModel = ""
        CarYear = ""
    End Sub
  4. Return to Microsoft Access
  5. Switch the form to Form View
  6. Create a record
    Repair Order
  7. Click Submit
  8. Create another record
    Repair Order
  9. Click Submit
  10. Save and close the form
  11. Close the database

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