XML Tutorials

1 - Introduction to XML

Fundamentals of the Extended Markup Language

This is an introduction to the Extensible Markup Language, or XML. XML is defined and regulated by international standards to make sure that all people and organizations that use it follow the same rules in terms of formatting an XML document. The description in this lesson gets you aquainted with text-based databases with many advantages that XML offers.

02 - Introduction to XML Elements

Description of XML Elements

XML is primarily created as carefully formatted text in a document. The document contains text made of sections treated as small objects or tags. It is important to know what such a tag looks like. Here, you will know the various parts of a tag such as a beginning, an end, and a value. You will also be introduced to some .NET Framework classes that support XML.

03 - Operations on XML Elements

Adding, Appending, and Locating Elements

Once you are familiar with the structure of an XML tag, you may become curious with how to create an XML lesson. Here, you will the simpleest ways to programmatically create a tag in an XML document. After creating a few XML elements in an XML document, you need to know to programmatically look for an element in a document.

04 - Maintenance of XML Elements

Adding, Inserting, and Referencing XML Elements

Among the most valuables operations of a collection-based application, you must be able, not only to add new items but also to insert an item before or after an existing element. Another valuable operation performed in a database is to delete one or more items. These are the routine operations reviewed here.

>05 - XML Attributes

Exploring items created inside Elements

Attributes are special obkects created in start tags. This lesson describes attributes, how to create, locate, and delete them.

06 - Characteristics of XML Nodes

Comments and Charater Entities of an Element

Besides elements and attributes, XML offers or supports various accessories that can be included in an XML documents. Examples of these accessories are comments and CDATA. This lesson shows how to create and manage such accessories.

07 - XML Reading and Writing

Creating new Elements and Locating Existing Elements

This lesson serves as an introduction the the Language Integrated Query or LINQ. We start with querying arrays. This lesson also introduces nesting, which is the ability to embed one query into another. Finally, the lesson introduces the topic of sorting a query, which consists of odering the values produced by a query.


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